European Extremely Large Telescope

European Extremely Large Telescope

Infobox Telescope
bgcolour =
name = European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT)

caption =
organization = ESO
location = Probably Chile or Roque de los Muchachos at the Canary Islands
coords =
altitude =
weather =
wavelength = Optical, near infrared
built = Planned completion: 2017
website =
style = Reflector
diameter = convert|42|m|ft|abbr=on|lk=off
angular_resolution = 0.001 to 0.6 arcseconds depending on target and instruments used
area =
focal_length = 420-840 m (f/10 - f/20)
mounting = Alt/az
dome = Spherical
The European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) is an extremely large telescope design proposed for the next-generation European Southern Observatory optical telescope with a mirror diameter of convert|42|m|ft|abbr=off|lk=off. ESO is focusing on this design after a feasibility study concluded that the proposed convert|100|m|ft|abbr=off|lk=off diameter Overwhelmingly Large Telescope would cost $1.5 billion (£1 billion), and be too complex.

Current fabrication technology limits single mirrors to being roughly 8 meters in a single piece. The next-largest telescopes currently in use are the Gran Telescopio Canarias and Southern African Large Telescope, which each use hexagonal mirrors fitted together to make a mirror more than 10 meters across. The ELT would need to use a similar design. In addition, ELT would also need to use techniques to work around atmospheric distortion of incoming light, known as adaptive optics.

Project E-ELT has the aim of observing the Universe in greater detail than even the Hubble Space Telescope. A mirror of approximately 42 meters would allow the study of the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. The 5-mirror anastigmat design is estimated to cost €800 million and could be completed by 2017. [cite press release |title=ESO Council Gives Green Light to Detailed Study of the European Extremely Large Telescope |url= |publisher=European Southern Observatory |date=2006-12-11 |accessdate= ]


Sites under discussion include Cerro Macon, Salta, at Argentina, Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, at the Canary Islands, South Africa, Chile, Morocco,and Antarctica.

ee also

*Overwhelmingly Large Telescope
*Thirty Meter Telescope
*Giant Magellan Telescope
*Large Binocular Telescope
*Darwin (ESA)


External links

* [ Final stage for telescope design]
* [ Green light for ELT]
* [ Ground Telescope to Super Size]
* [ "Record mirror for Euro telescope" BBC Online August 7 2006]
* [ "ESO Council Gives Green Light to Detailed Study of the European Extremely Large Telescope"]
* [ ESO European Extremely Large Telescope]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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