3212 Agricola

3212 Agricola

Infobox Planet
minorplanet = yes
width = 25em
bgcolour = #FFFFC0
apsis =
name = Agricola
symbol =

caption =
discovery = yes
discovery_ref =
discoverer = Vaisala, Y.
discovery_site = Turku
discovered = February 19, 1938
designations = yes
mp_name = 3212
alt_names = 1938 DH2
mp_category =
orbit_ref =
epoch = May 14, 2008
aphelion = 2.6003788
perihelion = 1.9114062
semimajor =
eccentricity = 0.1527051
period = 1237.5878533
avg_speed =
inclination = 7.81308
asc_node = 110.09042
mean_anomaly = 271.57682
arg_peri = 34.92922
satellites =
physical_characteristics = yes
dimensions =
mass =
density =
surface_grav =
escape_velocity =
sidereal_day =
axial_tilt =
pole_ecliptic_lat =
pole_ecliptic_lon =
albedo =
temp_name1 =
mean_temp_1 =
max_temp_1 =
temp_name2 =
max_temp_2 =
spectral_type =
abs_magnitude = 13.8

3212 Agricola (1938 DH2) is a Main-belt Asteroid discovered on February 19, 1938 by Vaisala, Y. at Turku.

External links

* [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=3212+Agricola JPL Small-Body Database Browser on 3212 Agricola]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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