

Freewriting is a popular technique used by writers to practice writing in general, or to collect their initial thoughts and ideas on a writing topic. It is often used as a preliminary to more formal writing.


The technique involves continuous writing, usually for a predetermined period of time (often 5, 10, or 15 minutes). Writing is done without regard to spelling, grammar, etc., and no corrections are made. If the writer reaches a point where they cannot think of anything to write, then they write that they cannot think of anything, until they find another line of thought. The writer allows himself or herself to stray off topic, and to just let their thoughts lead them wherever they may. At times a writer may also do a focused freewrite where a chosen topic structures their thoughts. Expanding from this topic, their thoughts may stray to make connections and create more abstract views on the topic. This technique helps them to explore a particular subject before putting their ideas into a more basic context.

Freewriting is often done on a daily basis as a part of the writer's daily routine. Also, students in many writing courses are assigned to do such daily writing exercises.

History in publication

Freewriting was advanced in Peter Elbow's "Writing Without Teachers" (1975), and has been popularised by Julia Cameron through her book, "The Artist's Way" (1992).

Natalie Goldberg combined the notion of freewriting with principles of Zen Buddhist meditation and developed "writing practice", described in books such as "Writing Down the Bones" (1986). Writing practice is different from freewriting encouraged in undergraduate and creative writing programs: writing practice encourages the writer to be aware of his or her thoughts throughout the writing practice, and may be an ends unto itself, rather than a means to produce a more polished piece later.

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