23262 Thiagoolson

23262 Thiagoolson

23262 Thiagoolson 2000 YW44 is a minor planet. It was discovered 2000 December 30 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team in Socorro.

Classification: Main-belt Asteroid SPK-ID: 2023262

Orbit Determination Parameters # obs. used (total) 230 first obs. used 1994-??-?? last obs. used 2005-04-13 # oppositions 7 planetary ephem. DE403 quality code 0 fit RMS 0.59 data source MPC:mpn producer MPC

Additional Information T_jup = 3.511

Physical Parameter TableParameter Symbol Value Units Sigma Reference Notesabsolute magnitude H 15.4 mag n/a PDS3 (MPO 10258)

Alternate Designations 2000 YW44 = 1998 HB138

Orbital Elements at Epoch 2454600.5 (2008-May-14.0) TDBReference: MPO97249 (heliocentric ecliptic J2000) Element Value Uncertainty (1-sigma) Units e 0.0432756 n/a

a 2.4102091 n/a AU

q 2.3059059 n/a AU

i 6.10195 n/a deg

node 106.96411 n/a deg

peri 291.14849 n/a deg

M 48.55876 n/a deg

tp 2454416.1489630

(2007-Nov-11.64896301) n/a JED

period 1366.7229832

3.74 n/a

n/a d


n 0.26340378 n/a deg/d

Q 2.5145123 n/a AU

NASA JPL Small-Body Database [ [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=23262 JPL Small-Body Database Browser ] ]

ITER NewsLine [ [http://www.iter.org/newsline/issues/9/ITERnewsline.htm ITER NewsLine ] ] Popular Science


It is named after Thiago David Olson (b. 1989) for his research in Nuclear Fusion and Neutron Sciences. As a 15-year old, Olson created a homemade nuclear fusion reactor. [ [http://www.popsci.com/diy/article/2007-03/popsci-videoteen-builds-basement-nuclear-reactor POPSCI VIDEOTeen Builds Basement Nuclear Reactor! | Popular Science ] ] [ [http://discovermagazine.com/2007/mar/radioactive-boy-scout Radioactive Boy Scout | Weapons & Security | DISCOVER Magazine ] ]


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