

Chembox new
ImageFile = 3-Nitrobenzanthrone.png ImageSize = 200px
IUPACName = 3-Nitro-3,3a-dihydro-benzo [de] anthracen-7-one
OtherNames =
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 17117-34-9
PubChem =
SMILES = O=C2C1=CC=CC=C1C4=C3C2=CC=CC3C( [N+] ( [O-] )=O)C=C4

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C17H9NO3
MolarMass = 275.26 g/mol
Appearance =
Density =
MeltingPt = 248 °C [cite journal |title=The environmental carcinogen 3-nitrobenzanthrone and its main metabolite 3-aminobenzanthrone enhance formation of reactive oxygen intermediates in human A549 lung epithelial cells |author=Hansen, Tanja; Seidel, Albrecht; Borlak, Juergen |journal=Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology |year=2007 |volume=221 |issue=2 |pages=222–234 |doi=10.1016/j.taap.2007.03.003]
BoilingPt =
Solubility =

Section3 = Chembox Hazards
MainHazards =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =

3-Nitrobenzanthrone (3-nitro-7"H"-benz [de] anthracen-7-one) is a chemical emitted in the exhaust fumes of diesel engines which is a potent carcinogen. [cite journal
journal = Mutagenesis
year = 2005
volume = 20
issue = 6
pages = 399–410
doi = 10.1093/mutage/gei057
title = 3-Nitrobenzanthrone, a potential human cancer hazard in diesel exhaust and urban air pollution: a review of the evidence
author = Volker M. Arlt
url = http://mutage.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/20/6/399
] It is reported as being the most powerful on record, far greater than the previous known strongest 1,8-dinitropyrene which also found in diesel exhaust. ["New Scientist", Oct 25 1997, page 4]

ee also

* Benzanthrone


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