- Griffin Investigations
Griffin Investigations was once the most prominent group of
private investigator s specializing in thegambling industryFact|date=September 2008. The company was founded in 1967 by Beverly S. Griffin and Robert R. Griffin.The company maintained dossiers on card counters, serial jackpot winners, and other individuals, chiefly professional gamblers using legal techniques to gain an advantage in casino games; these profiles were regularly published in the "
Griffin Book ", and distributed to subscribing casinos. Griffin Investigations was instrumental in ending theMIT Blackjack Team ’s winning streakFact|date=September 2008, after a Griffin investigator purchased the names, photographs, and other details identifying the group’s members and the company distributed the information tocasino s. Roughly half of the major casinos in the U.S. once subscribed to Griffin’s servicesFact|date=September 2008.Griffin also marketed a controversial face recognition system that used computer software to compare gamblers' faces against several volumes of mug shots. According to a "
Las Vegas Sun " article, Beverly Griffin, co-owner of Griffin Investigations, "estimates as many as half of Southern Nevada's casinos now usebiometric technology to identify the faces of card cheats or other undesirables" [http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/2002/jun/03/513528388.html] . However, a Las Vegas casino surveillance director (writing under the pseudonym Cellini) reported in the 2004 book "The Card Counter's Guide to Casino Surveillance" that biometric technology was considered virtually useless by actual casino surveillance operatives because of overwhelming numbers of false reads.History
The "
Las Vegas Sun " reported onSeptember 13 ,2005 , that Griffin Investigations had filed forChapter 11 bankruptcy protection in light of legal costs and damages from a successfuldefamation lawsuit against the company. The lawsuit had been brought by two gamblers, Michael Russo andJames Grosjean , claiming they had been improperly detained, labeled as cheaters and arrested, on the basis of information supplied by Griffin [http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/2005/sep/13/519349060.html] .References
* [http://www.griffininvestigations.com/ Griffin Investigations web site] .
*Goldman, Adam: [http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2003-12-31-casino-db_x.htm Casinos use controversial database to net cheats, counters] , Associated Press.
*Jones, Chris: [http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/2002/jun/03/513528388.html Hand scanners give customers easy access to safe deposit vaults] , June 3, 2002.
*Nersesian, Bob: [http://www.bj21.com/blackjack/griffin.html Excerpts from "Beat the Players"] , July 10, 2006
*Snyder, Arnold: [http://www.blackjackforumonline.com/content/surveillancetalks.htm Interview with a Casino Surveillance Director] , January 2002.
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