- Sleep It Off Lady
"Sleep It Off Lady", originally published in late 1976 by
André Deutsch ofGreat Britain , was famedDominica n authorJean Rhys ' final collection of short stories. The sixteen stories in this collection stretch over an approximate 75-year period, starting from the end of the nineteenth century (November 1899) to the present time of writing (circa 1975).tories in the collection
"(a synopsis follows each title)"
*"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers": At the turn of the twentieth century, a doctor experiences the final hours of an ill-fated estate house bought only days before by his rival.
*"Goodbye Marcus, Goodbye Rose": Acaptain and his wife pay a visit to Dominica while vacationing inJamaica for the winter.
*"The Bishop's Feast": A home-born is invited by an oldnun to witness thecoronation of a newbishop inRoseau , before spending a week in Dominica's leeward coast.
*"Heat": The effects of the 1902 eruption ofMont Pelee on Dominica.
*"Fishy Waters": Racial tensions between a Britishcarpenter and local folk erupt into a scandal that eventually finds its way into Roseau'scourtroom .
*"Overture and Beginners Please": In this first of four consecutive stories centring on a pre-World War I Caribbean immigrant named Elsa, the young girl becomes a stage star in the midst of an unwanted life.
*"Before the Deluge": Elsa meets a stage girl—apoliceman 's daughter fromManchester —whose beauty never succeeds while entertaining her audience.
*"On Not Shooting Sitting Birds": An English gentleman rejects Elsa for good after hearing of her past exploits duringhunting trips in her homeland.
*"Kikimora": At a first-classhotel , Elsa discovers how perceptive the title character, a black cat, can be over a husband.
*"Night Out 1925": The experiences of two lovers, Suzy and Gilbert, in the streets ofParis .
*"The Chevalier of the Place Blanche": In the English-language version of anEdouard de Nève work, the title character shares his desire with a British lady in a 1920s Parisrestaurant .
*"The Insect World": An old lady shows a young child the disturbing connections betweenLondon underground dwellers and a tropicalinsect parasite whose name they share in slang.
*"Rapunzel, Rapunzel": Ahospital patient makes a temporary stay at a home in London, with a long-hairedAustralia n as her neighbour.
*"Who Knows What's Up in the Attic?": A vacationer in southeast England comes face-to-face with a clothingsales man.
*"Sleep It Off Lady": In this story from which the collection takes its name, another old lady faces arat problem while taking care of hercottage .
*"I Used to Live Here Once": In this final story, the author returns to her native land.ISBN 0-233-96818-0 (hardcover, original 1976 edition,
André Deutsch )
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.