Kyasanur forest disease

Kyasanur forest disease

DiseaseDisorder infobox
Name = Kyasanur forest disease
ICD10 = A98.2
ICD9 = ICD9|065.2
MeshID = D007733
name = "Kyasanur forest disease virus"
virus_group = iv
familia = "Flaviviridae"
genus = "Flavivirus"
species = "Kyasanur forest disease virus"

Kyasanur forest disease is a tick-borne viral hemorrhagic fever endemic to South Asia. The disease is caused by a virus belonging to the family flaviviridae.


The disease was first reported from Kyasanur Forest of Karnataka in India. The disease was first manifested as an epizootic outbreak among monkeys killing several of them in the year 1957. Hence the disease is also known as Monkey Disease.


The reservoir hosts for the disease are porcupines, rats and mice. The vector for disease transmission is "Haemaphysalis spinigera", a forest tick. Humans contract infection from the bite of nymphs of the tick.


The disease has a high morbidity rate of 10 %.

The clinical manifestations of the disease in humans are:
* High fever
* Headache
* Haemorrhages from nasal cavity and throat
* Vomiting

An affected person may recover in two weeks time, but the convalescent period is typically very long, lasting for several months. There will be muscle aches and weakness during this period and the affected person is unable to engage in physical activities.

Prevention and treatment

Prophylaxis by vaccination, as well as preventive measures like protective clothing, tick control, and mosquito control are advised. An attenuated live vaccine is now available. Specific treatments are not available.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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