

Rabi may refer to:
* Rabi crop, spring harvest in India
* Rabi cycle, in physics is the cyclic behaviour of a two-state quantum system in the presence of an oscillatory driving field. See: Isidor Isaac Rabi
* Rabi Island, volcanic island in northern Fiji
** Rabi Council of Leaders, municipal body administering Rabi Island
* Rabi problem, concerns the response of an atom to an applied harmonic electric field, with an applied frequency very close to the atom's natural frequency
* Rabi or Lavi, character from the D. Gray-man manga series
* Rábí, castle in the Czech Republic
* Rabí, village in the Czech Republic


* Rabbi (misspelling)
* Rabies (misspelling)


*Abd al-Malik ibn Rabi, among the narrators of hadith
*Al-Rabi ibn Abu al-Huqayq, Jewish poet of the Banu al-Nadir in Medina, who flourished shortly before the Hegira (622)
*Al-Rabi ibn Khuthaym, (d.ca 682) was a pupil of Abdullah ibn Abbas and a famous tabi'i ascetic of Kufa
*Ashur-rabi II (1013BC-972BC), one of the longest-reigning kings of Assyria
*Isidor Isaac Rabi (1898–1988), Nobel Prize-winning Austrian-born physicist
*Kinana ibn al-Rabi, Jewish leader of 7th-century Arabia and opponent of Muhammad
*Kinanah ibn Rabi, brother-in-law of Mohammed's wife Zaynab bint Khuzayma
*Rabi'ah ibn al-Harith, sahaba of Muhammad
*Rabi'ah Quzdari, or Ghozdary or Rabe'eh, was most likely the first poetess in the history of Persian Poetry
*Rabi Ghosh (1931-1997, famous actor from India
*Rabi ibn Sabra, among the narrators of hadith
*Rabi ibn Sabih, early Muslim and a pioneer in recording of the hadith
*Rabi Maharaj, Trinidadian-born author and descendant of a long line of Brahmin priests and gurus
*Rabi Pirzada, is a Pakistani pop singer.
*Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), nicknamed 'Rabi', Bengali poet, Brahmo Samaj (syncretic Hindu monotheist) philosopher, visual artist, playwright, composer, and novelist
*Sa`ad ibn ar-Rabi`, sahaba (companion) of Muhammad
*Umar Ibn Abi Rabi'ah (644-712/719), Arabic poet
*Utba ibn Rabi'ah, one of several persons who considered themselves enemies of Islam

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