American Contract Bridge League

American Contract Bridge League

The American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) is the largest bridge organization in North America. It promotes the game of bridge in the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Bermuda, and is a member of the World Bridge Federation. ACBL games and tournaments use the duplicate bridge method of scoring, where the luck of getting a series of good hands doesn't necessarily mean a better score.

The ACBL, a not-for-profit organization, was founded in 1937. As of 2005 it had 160,000 active members. Members receive the "Bridge Bulletin" magazine, but for many of them, the most significant role of the ACBL is its sanctioning of club games and tournaments to award masterpoints. If an event has the ACBL sanction, then the highest-finishing players are awarded specified numbers of masterpoints, which can be recorded with the ACBL. Most players value the increase in their masterpoint total as a measure of their success at the game. Unlike the Elo rating system developed for chess, the masterpoint system is strictly one of accumulation. A player's masterpoint total can never decline.

Besides the "Bridge Bulletin", other ACBL publications include formal laws for bridge, the ACBL Bridge Series of lessons for beginners, and free instructional software. The ACBL certifies bridge teachers and club directors.

Three times a year, in the spring, summer, and fall, the ACBL holds the North American Bridge Championships (NABC). The NABC extends over eleven days and includes many different events. The location of the NABC is rotated among major cities. Each is typically attended by thousands of players.

The ACBL has also published the "ACBL Bridge Series", a series of books written by Audrey Grant and designed to teach the game to beginners, as well as to help more experienced players review and expand upon their knowledge of the game.

External links

* [ ACBL official website]

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