District of Columbia primary, 2004

District of Columbia primary, 2004

It was held on Janauary 13th 2004 a week before the Iowa caucas were Howard Dean was leading too. Frontrunner Howard Dean easily took a win in the District of Columbia primary. Polling 2 months before had him leading civil rights activist Al Sharpton 45% to 11%. But then his polls went down considerable he now was leadin Sharpton 27% to 5%. Although it was big he went down 18-points. Kerry, Edwards, Clark, Gephardt and Lieberman all were not on the ballot. Dean got the endorsement of popular counicalmen Jack Evans. The results were Dean 42% to Sharpton 34% and Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun got only 11%. She dropped out and endorse Dean. Dean was on his way to swepping the primaries.


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