Château de Cambiac

Château de Cambiac

The Château de Cambiac is a 15th century castle in the commune of Cambiac in the Haute-Garonne département of France.

Originally a vast 15th century residence, it was probably constructed on the foundations of an earlier structure. It was given to the sieur Milhau, constable of Montauban, by Marguerite de Navarre[1].

At the end of the 19th century, massive restoration works gave the castle an extra floor and a pavilion. A Louis XII style was incorporated both inside and out.

Privately owned, it has been listed since 2001 as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture.


See also



  1. ^ "Le Château de Cambiac ouvre ses portes", La Dépêche du Midi, 11 August 2004 (retrieved 25 January 2009) (French)

External links

Coordinates: 43°29′22″N 1°47′27″E / 43.48944°N 1.79083°E / 43.48944; 1.79083

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