Grace Cavalieri

Grace Cavalieri

Grace Cavalieri (1932- ) is an award-winning American poet and playwright. She has published 13 volumes of poetry and more than 20 plays and continues to actively write and publish. [Beltway Poetry Quarterly] . She currently lives in Annapolis, Maryland, with her husband, sculptor Kenneth Flynn. They have 4 grown daughters: Cynthia, Colleen, Shelley and Angela; and four grandchildren: Rachel, Elizabeth, Sean and Joseph. [ Grace Cavalieri - Poetry in Motion]

Literary career

Cavalieri has published 15 books, including 13 of poetry, and two of fiction. In addition, she has written numerous plays.

She co-founded the Washington Writers Publishing House with John McNally in 1976 and served on its editorial board from 1976 to 1982. In addition, she founded The Bunny and the Crocodile Press/Forest Woods Media Productions, Inc., a publishing house and media production company, in 1979 [The Bunny and the Crocodile Press. -- Introduction to the Spring 2004 Issue (Volume 5, Number 2) of the Beltway Quarterly Journal] . As of 2008, she still owns and operates the press.

She currently serves as a book reviewer for Montserrat Review [Montserrat Review] .



*Anna Nicole : poems / by Grace Cavalieri. -- CreateSpace, 2008.
*Bliss / by Grace Cavalieri. -- H. Roberts Publishing Co., 1986.
*Body fluids / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Bunny and the Crocodile Press, 1976.
*Cuffed frays and other works / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Argonne Press, 2001.
*Greatest hits, 1975-2000 / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Pudding House Publications, 2002.
*Heart on a leash / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Red Dragon Press, 1998.
*Migrations : poems / by Grace Cavalieri and Mary Ellen Long. -- Book Distribution, In Support, 1995.
*Pinecrest rest haven / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Word Works, 1998.
*Sit down, says love / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Argonne Hotel Press, 1999.
*Stealthy days / by Robert Sargent and Grace Cavalieri. -- Forest Woods Media Productions, 1998.
*Swan research / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Word Works, 1979.
*Trenton / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Belle Mead Press, 1990.
*Water on the sun: Acqua sul sole. -- by Grace Cavalieri, trans. by Maria Enrico. -- Bordighera, Inc., 2006.
*What I would do for love / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Jacaranda Press, 2004.
*Why I cannot take a lover / by Grace Cavalieri. -- Washington Writers Publishing House, 1975.

Edited Volumes

*Cycles of the moon vine / by Jean Emerson. -- ed. by Grace Cavalieri. -- Forest Woods Media Productions, 1997.
*Wpfw 89.5 Fm Poetry Anthology: The Poet and the Poem / ed. by Grace Cavalieri. -- Bunny and the Crocodile Press, 1992.


*True Stories : Fiction by Uncommon Women / by Grace Cavalieri and others. -- Red Dragon Press, 1997.

Literary Awards

Cavalieri has received numerous literary awards. Highlights include

* the Pen-Syndicated Fiction Award
* the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award
* Bordighera Poetry Award, Paterson Poetry Prize
* The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry
* The National Endowment for the Arts
* The Corporation for Public Broadcasting Silver Medal
* The National Commission on Working Women
* The American Association of University Women.

She has enjoyed several state arts and humanities council awards and fellowships. She received the inaugural Columbia Award from the Folger Shakespeare Library Poetry Committee for "significant contribution to poetry."

Radio career

Cavalieri has had a long-term connection with public radio and public radio programming. She was a founder of radio station WPFW-FM in Washington D.C. [ The Montserrat Review] For more than 30 years, she has produced a weekly radio show entitled the " [ Poet and the Poem"] , which is heard nationally on public radio stations around the country. [Guide to the Grace Cavalieri Papers] The show is currently produced at the Library of Congress. [Library of Congress press release, 2007 July] In addition, she was an Associate Director of Programming at the Public Broadcasting System for five years and subsequently served as program officer of the National Endowment for the Humanities media program from 1982 to 1988. [Guide to the Grace Cavalieri Papers]

External links

* [ Grace Cavalieri Poetry in Motion]


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