Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

name=Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

province=Province VIII
cathedral= Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Sacramento
website= [http://www.dncweb.org/ Episcopal Diocese of Northern California website]

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California, created in 1910, is the diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America with jurisdiction over the northern part of California. It is in Province 8 and its cathedral, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, is in Sacramento, as are the diocesan offices. [Episcopal Church Annual, 2006, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Morehouse Publishing, p. 301-302]

Current bishop

The Rt. Rev. Barry Leigh Beisner is the seventh and current bishop of Northern California. He has a master's in divinity from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and a master's of sacred theology from General Theological Seminary. [Episcopal Clerical Directory, 2005, revised edition, New York: Church Publishing, p. 62.]

List of bishops

The bishops of Northern California have been: [Episcopal Church Annual, 2006, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Morehouse Publishing, p. 301]
# John H. D. Wingfield, (1874 - 1898), Missionary Bishop and first diocesan bishop
# William H. Moreland, Missionary Bishop (1899), second diocesan bishop (1910 - 1933)
Archie W. N. Porter, bishop coadjutor 1933
# Archie W. N. Porter, (1933 - 1957)
Clarence R Haden, bishop coadjutor 1957
# Clarence R Haden, (1958 - 1978}
Edward McNair, suffragan bishop (1968 - 1972)
# John L. Thompson, (1978 - 1991)
Jerry A. Lamb, bishop coadjutor 1991
# Jerry A. Lamb, (1992 - 2006)
Barry Leigh Beisner, bishop coadjutor 2006
# Barry Leigh Beisner, (2007 - present

ee also

* List of Succession of Bishops for the Episcopal Church, USA


External links

* [http://www.dncweb.org/ Episcopal Diocese of Northern California website]
* [http://www.trinitycathedral.org/ Trinity Episcopal Cathedral website]
* [http://www.episcopalchurch.org Official Web site of the Episcopal Church]

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