

Sirsoli is village in Telhara tehsil of Akola District and is known for Battle of Argaon. The Battle of Argaon took place on November 28 1803, between the British under the command of General Arthur Wellesley (later the Duke of Wellington) and the forces of The Rajah of Berar under Sindhia of Gwalior. The battlefield was located between Adgaon and Sirsoli.

In recent days Sirsoli is known for Sapta Khanjeri Vadak Satyapal Maharaj. He is real godman with very progressive attitude and thousands throng to listen him everywhere in Maharashtra. Khanjeri means small drum and Satyapal Maharaj beats seven Khanjeris at a time while singing Bhajans of famous saints guiding common man for better life.

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  • Argaon — ( or Adgaon ) is a village located in Telhara tehsil near Akot in Akola district of Maharashtra, India, 32 mi north of Akola. The village is known for the Battle of Argaon between British and Marathas during Second Anglo Maratha War. Today it is… …   Wikipedia

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