Toomas Kivisild

Toomas Kivisild

Toomas Kivisild, (born on August 11, 1969 in Tapa, Estonia) is an Estonian geneticist. He graduated in 1992 as a zoologist, and completed his Ph.D. at the Estonian Biocentre research institute. He is a professor of human evolutionary genetics at Cambridge University and his main work has focused on human mtDNA variation.

Stephen Oppenheimer, drawing upon the work of Kivisild (e.g. Kivisild 2000b) and other geneticists, writes in his work "The Real Eve" that South Asia may be the birthplace of the Eurasian mtDNA haplogroups which he calls the Eurasian Eves.


*1999a. "Deep common ancestry of Indian and western-Eurasian mitochondrial DNA lineages" []
*1999b. "The Place of the Indian mtDNA Variants in the Global Network of Maternal Lineages and the Peopling of the Old World" []
*2000a. "An Indian Ancestry: a Key for Understanding Human Diversity in Europe and Beyond" []
*2000b. "The origins of southern and western Eurasian populations: an mtDNA study" []
*2003a. "The Genetics of Language and Farming Spread in India" []
*2003b. "The Genetic Heritage of the Earliest Settlers Persists Both in Indian Tribal and Caste Populations" [] , []
*The emerging limbs and twigs of the East Asian mtDNA tree. [] []
*Ethiopian mtDNA heritage. []
*cite paper | author=Mait, Metspalu; Kivisild, Toomas et al | title=Most of the extant mtDNA boundaries in South and Southwest Asia were likely shaped during the initial settlement of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans | date=2004 | url= []
* 2005a. Different population histories of the Mundari- and Mon-Khmer-speaking Austro-Asiatic tribes inferred from the mtDNA 9-bp deletion/insertion polymorphism in Indian populations []
* 2005b. Reconstructing the Origin of Andaman Islanders []
* 2005c. Tracing Modern Human Origins []
* 2006a. Response to Comment on‘‘Reconstructing the Origin of Andaman Islanders’’ []
* 2006b. cite paper | author=Sahoo, S.; Kivisild, T et al. | title=A prehistory of Indian Y chromosomes: Evaluating demic diffusion scenarios | date=2006 | url=
* 2006c. The role of selection in the evolution of human mitochondrial genomes. []
* 2007. Peopling of South Asia: investigating the caste-tribe continuum in India []
*2007. [ Revealing the prehistoric settlement of Australia by Y chromosome and mtDNA analysis]

ee also

*Stephen Oppenheimer

External links

* [ Google Scholar Search]

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