Sven Adolf Hedlund

Sven Adolf Hedlund

Sven Adolf Hedlund (24 February 182116 September 1900), also known as S. A. Hedlund, was a Swedish newspaper publisher and politician.

Sven Adolf Hedlund was born on the island of Eldgarn in Mälaren, Stockholm County, Sweden, as the son of the farmer Carl Adolf Hedlund and his wife Regina (née Björner). He earned a B.A. in law from Uppsala University. In 1847 he was employed at the Swedish Ministry of Education and at the Swedish National Library in Stockholm. In the same year he also became he a coworker for the newspapers "Hermoder" and "Dagligt Allehanda". In 1849 he became managing editor of "Örebro Tidning". In 1951 he joined the editorial staff of Sweden's largest newspaper "Aftonbladet". In 1852 he became managing editor of "Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning", a position he kept until his death. As managing editor of "Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning" he became a major figure in Swedish press. He was a close friend of the author and publisher Viktor Rydberg.

Hedlund was elected as a Member of Parliament, representing Gothenburg Municipality in the lower house from 1867 to 1869 and from 1879 to 1883. He later represented Gothenburg and Bohus County in the upper house from 1875 to 1876, and Kristianstad County from 1886 to 1889.

During his first period in the parliament Hedlund opposed the agrarian Lantmanna Party, which put him in opposition to the liberal government of Prime Minister Louis De Geer. Although he later decided to side with the party he never became a devoted party member. Both as a publisher and politician, Hedlund was a prominent proponent of liberal reforms. He was a strong proponent of political liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and free trade. He also supported the Swedish representative reform of 1866, in which the old Estates Assembly was replaced with a bicameral parliament.

Hedlund was also active as a local politician and served in the Gothenburg Municipal Council for over thirty years. As such he contributed to the reforms and establishment of many local institutions, particularly in the educational system. He was the de facto founder of the Gothenburg Museum in 1961 and the most zealous proponent behind the estalishment of the University of Gothenburg ("Göteborgs högskola") in 1887.

In 1860, Hedlund became a member of the Royal Society of Sciences and Letters in Gothenburg. In 1895, the Gothenburg Museum made a medal of him as the museum's "founder and strong promoter".

After suffering apoplectic stroke in 1889, Hedlund retired from his publishing works and public duties. He died in his home in Gothenburg on 16 September 1900. His funerary urn is located at Viktor Rydberg's Mausoleum at Östra kyrkogården in Gothenburg.

NAME=Hedlund, Sven Adolf
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Newspaper publisher and politician
DATE OF BIRTH=24 February 1821
PLACE OF BIRTH=Eldgarn, Sweden
DATE OF DEATH=16 September 1900
PLACE OF DEATH=Gothenburg, Sweden

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