- Sanjay Rath
Sanjay Rath (born
August 7 1963 atSambalpur ,Orissa ) is anIndia nastrologer . He comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village inPuri ,Orissa , which trace theirlineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (SriAcyutananda ). Sanjay Rath studied under his uncle, the late Pandit Kasinath Rath. His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and authored many books onJyotisha .Sanjay Rath became a graduate of
mechanical engineering and joined the Government of India in July 1991. He was promoted to Under Secretary in the Ministry of Defence in October 1997. After the encouraging reception of his translation of "Maharshi Jaimini's Upadesha Sutras" and the growing number of students, Sanjay Rath resigned from government service in September 2000 to devote himself completely toJyotisha .Teaching Jyotish
Sanjay Rath uses
Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra ,Jaimini Upadesa Sutras , Brihat Jataka and Saravali as the foundations ofJyotisha and teaches from various other Jyotish scripture and sacred literature such as theBhagavad Gita ,Upanisads ,Puranas , etc. His holistic teaching and writings span across various schools of thought, although not creating his own brand ofastrology . He is a strict follower of the teachings of the ancient seers and is also a keen promoter for research and further development of the subject. To promote the teachings of hisparampara Sanjay Rath has formed a non-profit organization calledShri Jagannath Center where his advanced students are helping to spread Jyotisha in a way that keeps its spiritual roots. Students learn not only about Jyotisha, but alsomantra shastra ,mudra ,pranayama ,meditation , and theSanatana Dharma .Present Work
Sanjay Rath is presently working on translating the ancient Jyotish scriptures relative to his understanding of their meaning according to his East Indian background.
He is the Chairman of SJC Education & Research Center, Nagpur which offers Bachelors Degrees and Masters Degrees in Vedic Astrology under MOU with Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University.
He has a paid astrological study course offered through SoHamsa and various workshops available through the Deva Guru Brihaspati Center [http://www.sohamsa.com]
ri Jagannath Center
Sanjay Rath originally founded the Sri Jagannath Vedic Center (SJVC) in 1998 as a platform for open discussion about the teachings of his Jyotish tradition. Due to differences in opinion among various teachers he left the organization and started the Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) in 2001.
The Sri Jagannath Center was established with the objective of teaching Jyotish according to the ancient Sanskrit classics written in India by maharishis (great sages) like Parasara and Jaimini. SJC has created a revival of people working to understand classical Indian astrology.
Sanjay Rath has trained students in the approach taught through the Jyotish parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa of Jagannath, Puri. His teachers form non-profit SJC study circles which now exist in many countries around the world. SJC uses internet services such as yahoo groups to create forums for international discussion between various astrologers.
Chairman: P.V.R.Narasimha Rao
President: Sarbani Sarkar Rath
Europe Head Organizer: Zoran Radosavljevic
America Head Organizer: Dr.Brendan Feeley
Africa Head Organizer: Swee Chan
Australasia Head Organizer: Sarajit PoddarBooks by Pt. Sanjay Rath
*1. Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesa Sutra, (1997) A translation of the original Sanskrit work of Maharishi Jaimini. This text decodes the teachings hidden within the numerical correspondence of each Sanskrit letter relative to the meaning of the verse.
*2. Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events, (1998) Detailed information on the various houses in Vedic astrology and an introduction to the use of Divisional charts, Narayana Dasa, Shula Dasa and other Jyotish tools. An important text to understand Sanjay Rath's style of horoscope interpretation.
*4. Vedic Remedies in Astrology(2000) This book explains various principles of remedial measures in Hindu astrology. The astrological relationship between deities, mantras, yantras, gemstones and many other tools are explained. Well know for the large section on mantras as well as many case studies.
*3. Narayana Dasa, (2001) This book is a definitive explication of Narayana dasa which is a Vedic timing technique utilizing the signs of the zodiac.
[This book is presently available for free download at http://srath.com]*5. Varga Cakra, (2002) This book is a collected work of various students of Sanjay Rath presented at the Vyankatesha Sharma Varga workshop in 2002. Each chapter focuses on a different divisional chart with multiple case studies.
*6. Vimsottari and Udu Dasa's, (2002) This book explains the multitude of conditional naksatra dasas mentioned in Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra.
*7. Collected Papers in Vedic Astrology, (2006) Sanjay Rath traveled extensively between 2002 and 2006 teaching workshops through the Sri Jagannath Center. This book is a collection of revised and expanded workshop presentations given during that time period. Topics included: badhaka, ghataka chakra, hora lagna, sarvatobadra chakra, kalpadruma yoga, pancha mahapurusha yoga, naksatra techniques, nadiamsa, manduka dasa, rudramsa, longevity and dream interpretation.
External links
* [http://srijagannath.org Sri Jagannath Centre - Official Site]
NAME = Rath, Sanjay
SHORT DESCRIPTION = Indian astrologer and astrological writer
DATE OF BIRTH =August 7 1963
PLACE OF BIRTH =Sambalpur ,Orissa
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