British Columbia — Colombie Britannique (French) … Wikipedia
British Columbia — Colombie Britannique Britisch Kolumbien Wappen Flagge (Details) … Deutsch Wikipedia
British Columbia general election, 2001 — 1996 ← May 16, 2001 → 2005 … Wikipedia
British Columbia (Kolonie) — British Columbia war eine von 1858 bis 1866 existierende britische Kronkolonie im Westen von Britisch Nordamerika. Ihr Gebiet entsprach im Wesentlichen der heutigen kanadischen Provinz British Columbia, mit Ausnahme von Vancouver Island und der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
British Columbia — [ brɪtɪʃkə lʌmbɪə], deutsch Brịtisch Kolụmbi|en, westliche Provinz Kanadas am Pazifik, 944 735 km2, (1999) 4,02 Mio. Einwohner (1971: 2,2 Mio. Einwohner), darunter rd. 75 000 Indianer; 373 000 Asiaten. Hauptstadt ist Victoria, die Hälfte der… … Universal-Lexikon
British Columbia Coast — Howe Sound, along British Columbia s South Coast. The British Columbia Coast or BC Coast is Canada s western continental coastline on the Pacific Ocean. The usage is synonymous with the term West Coast of Canada. In a sense excluding the urban… … Wikipedia
British Columbia general election, 1886 — This was the fourth election held after British Columbia became a province of Canada on July 20 1871. The number of members was increased for this election from 25 to 27, and the number of ridings increased to 13.Political Context Issues and… … Wikipedia
British Columbia general election, 1890 — This was the sixth election held after British Columbia became a province of Canada on July 20 1871. The number of members was increased for this election from 27 in the previous election to 33, although the number of ridings was decreased to… … Wikipedia
British Columbia general election, 1894 — This was the seventh election held after British Columbia became a province of Canada on July 20 1871. The number of members remained at 33 with the number of ridings increased to 26 as a result of the partition of the Yale and Westminster… … Wikipedia
British Columbia Interior — The British Columbia Interior or BC Interior or Interior of British Columbia, usually referred to only as The Interior, is one of the three main regions of the Canadian province of British Columbia, the other two being the Lower Mainland, which… … Wikipedia