nerve cord — nerve′ cord n. 1) anat. the hollow dorsal tract of nervous tissue that constitutes the central nervous system of all chordates and that developed as the spinal cord and brain of vertebrates 2) anat. zool. ivt a double strand of nerve fibers in… … From formal English to slang
nerve cord — n the dorsal tubular cord of nervous tissue above the notochord of a chordate that in vertebrates includes or develops an anterior enlargement comprising the brain and a more posterior part comprising the spinal cord with the two together making… … Medical dictionary
nerve cord — noun : a cord of nervous tissue; specifically : the pair of closely united ventral longitudinal nerves with their segmental ganglia that is characteristic of many elongate invertebrates (as earthworms) * * * 1. a single hollow tract of nervous… … Useful english dictionary
nerve cord — 1. a single hollow tract of nervous tissue that constitutes the central nervous system of chordates and develops into the spinal cord and brain in vertebrates. 2. a solid double strand of nerve fibers along the length of the body in elongate… … Universalium
nerve cord — noun Date: 1877 1. the pair of closely united ventral longitudinal nerves with their segmental ganglia that is characteristic of many elongate invertebrates (as earthworms) 2. the dorsal tubular cord of nervous tissue above the notochord of a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
nerve cord — noun A dorsal tubular cord of nervous tissue above the notochord of a chordate … Wiktionary
ventral nerve cord — Ganglia or connectives in somites joined by single or double tract of nerve fibers running longitudinally beneath alimentary canal [McLaughlin, 1980]. (Order Cladocera): Pair of widely separated, longitudinal nerve cords extending into trunk from … Crustacea glossary
Dorsal nerve cord — The dorsal nerve cord is one of the embryonic features unique to chordates, along with a notochord, a post anal tail and pharyngeal slits. The dorsal nerve cord is a hollow cord dorsal to the notochord.It is formed from a part of the ectoderm… … Wikipedia
Ventral nerve cord — The ventral nerve cords make up the nervous system of some phyla of the invertebrates particularly within the nematodes, annelids and the arthropods. It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral … Wikipedia
ventral nerve cord — The primary nerve cord of all invertebrates, except those of the Hemichordata and Chordata phyla … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology