Yttrium orthovanadate

Yttrium orthovanadate

Yttrium orthovanadate (YVO4) is a transparent crystal. It is commonly doped with neodymium to form , an active laser medium used in diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Undoped YVO4 is also used to make efficient high-power polarizing prisms similar to Glan-Taylor prisms. [Ref patent
country= US
number= 3914018
status= patent
title= Yttrium orthovanadate optical polarizer
gdate= 1975-10-21
fdate= 1973-11-20
invent1= Deshazer, Larry G.
assign1= Union Carbide Corp.
class= G02B1/08; G02B27/28B; H01S3/00F

Basic properties

*Crystal structure:
**Zircon tetragonal (tetragonal bipyramidal)
** Space group D4h
** Lattice parameters "a" = "b" = 7.119 Å, "c" = 6.290 Å cite book |title=Handbook of Laser Science and Technology, Vol. V: Optical materials part 3 |last=DeShazer |first=L.G. |coauthors=Rand, S.C.; and Wechsler, B.A. |editor=Weber, Marvin J. (ed.) |year=1987 |publisher=CRC Press |location=Boca Raton, Florida |isbn=0-8493-3505-1 |pages=p. 283]

*Density: 4.24 g/cm3
*Melting point: 1810–1940 °C
*Mohs hardness: glass-like, ~5
*Knoop hardness: 480 kg/mm2 cite book |title=Handbook of Laser Science and Technology, Vol. V: Optical materials part 3 |last=DeShazer |first=L.G. |coauthors=Rand, S.C.; and Wechsler, B.A. |editor=Weber, Marvin J. (ed.) |year=1987 |publisher=CRC Press |location=Boca Raton, Florida |isbn=0-8493-3505-1 |pages=p. 329]
*Thermal expansion coefficient: cite web |url= |title=Yttrium Vanadate (YVO4) Crystal |publisher=Casix |accessdate=2008-09-12]
** αa = 4.43×10-6/K
** αc = 11.37×10-6/K

*Thermal conductivity coefficient:
**parallel to "c"-axis: 5.23 W·m-1·K-1
**perpendicular to "c"-axis: 5.10 W·m-1·K-1

*Refractive indices, birefringence ( Δ"n" = "n"e - "n"o) and walk-off angle at 45° (ρ):
**at 0.63 µm:
***"n"e = 2.2154
***"n"o = 1.9929
***Δ"n" = 0.2225
***"ρ" = 6.04
**at 1.30 µm:
***"n"e = 2.1554
***"n"o = 1.9500
***Δ"n" = 0.2054
***"ρ"= 5.72
**at 1.55 µm:
***"n"e = 2.1486
***"n"o = 1.9447
***Δ"n" = 0.2039
***"ρ" = 5.69
**Sellmeier equation ("λ" in µm):
***"n"e2=4.59905 + 0.110534/(λ2 − 0.04813) − 0.012267612 "λ"2
***"n"o2=3.77834 + 0.069736/(λ2 − 0.04724) − 0.0108133 "λ"2

ee also

*Neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate


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