Sergio Pininfarina

Sergio Pininfarina

Sergio Pininfarina (born Sergio Farina on 8 September 1926 in Turin, Italy [ Page at Senate website] it icon.] ) is a renowned Italian automobile designer, like his father Battista Farina. After joining his father at Carrozzeria Pininfarina, he quickly became integral to the company, and during his career oversaw many of the designs (particularly Ferraris) for which the company is famous. In 1961 his family surname was changed from Farina to Pininfarina, to match that of the company, by decree of the Italian president.

After his father's death in 1966, Pininfarina became chairman of the company. On September 23 2005 he was named Senator for Life of the Italian Republic by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (together with Giorgio Napolitano). In 2006 Sergio was named Honorary Chairman at Pininfarina, with his son Andrea succeeding him as Chairman and CEO.

On February 21 2007 he attended the vote which saw the government motion on foreign policy being defeated in the Senate and led Prime Minister Romano Prodi to resign. Pininfarina, who attended his first Senate assembly in nine months, cast an "abstain" vote, which helped the opposition forces to defeat the government foreign policy. He has not voted since then.Fact|date=July 2008


* Peugeot 406 coupé

*Alfa Romeo 164


* [ Biography at]

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