Harris (name)

Harris (name)

Harris is a (patronymic or paternal) family name and has many different spellings, none of which are the definitive, or 'correct', spelling. These spellings are largely regional which, when combined with the fact that most families only learned to spell in the 1800s, has led to different branches of the same families having different spellings of the name.

pellings (in alphabetical order) and their origins

*Haris - rare
*Harries - common in West Wales
*Harris - most common spelling originated in East Wales, most of England and some of Scotland
*Harriss - originated in pockets of England, namely West Berkshire, West Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire & Northamptonshire
*Harrys - uncommon
*Harys - rare
*Heriz - medieval spelling of the name, first found in France and also found in Spain
*Herrice - a French spelling
*Herries - a Scottish spelling


Harris means 'Son of Harry' or 'Harry's Son'. Harry is a pet form of Henry. Henry is the anglicised version of Henri which was introduced into Britain by the Normans in 1066. Henri means "home ruler."

Early records suggest that the surnames Harrison and Harris were used interchangeably by some families. It is likely that some modern Harrisons and Harrises are related.


In most cases the Harris surname appears to be British in origin. It was commonly adopted as a surname in south western England, the Midlands, Essex and Wales. As with other similar names it was adopted by most families in England between 1300 and 1400, and later in Wales and Scotland. Very few families used the name prior to 1300.

Some other Harris families originated in Germany, France, etc., and adopted the name Harris upon immigration to Britain or America. Jewish refugees are known to have adopted the name upon arrival in Britain. Ellis Island is renowned for having anglicised non-English names in America c1900.

Descendants of African slaves have also adopted the name. It is likely that some used, or were given, the name of their 'owners.' Others may have adopted it in a patronymic fashion, i.e., they were the son of someone called Harry.

DNA Projects

DNA Surname projects exist for both Harris [ [http://www.harrisdna.org/ Harris Y-DNA Index Page ] ] and Harrison [ [http://www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/h/harrison/ The Harrison DNA Project | WorldFamilies.net ] ] . These projects help reveal more about the roots of different Harris and Harrison families and identify family groups.

The majority of Harrises tested so far [ [http://www.harrisdna.org/results.html Harris DNA Project results] ] belong to R1b1 (Western European) or I1a (Scandinavian) Haplogroups. However, members have also been found who have E3 (African), J (Middle Eastern/Mediterranean) and R1a (Eastern European) Haplogroups.

R1b1 originates from all over Britain, however, I1a tends to be first found in East Anglia or the North-East of Scotland, which correspond to areas settled by Danish vikings before the Norman conquest of 1066.


Irish Harris families probably originate from England, Wales and Scotland and arrived in Ireland during the conquest of Ireland c.1603.

Harrises also began to emigrate to Canada and America in the 1600s, to Australia and New Zealand in the 1700s and to South Africa in the 1800s. Initial numbers of emigrants were small and it was not until the last half of the nineteenth century that large numbers of Harrises emigrated from Britain.


Great Britain

In 1998 [ [http://www.britishsurnames.co.uk/surname britishsurnames] ] statistics for different spellings of Harris were:-

*Harris rank = 22 number on electoral roll = 103962
*Harries rank = 1232 number on electoral roll = 4977
*Harriss rank = 7040 number on electoral roll = 679
*Herries rank = 19822 number on electoral roll = 154

The distribution of the name Harris can be found on http://www.britishsurnames.co.uk/surnames/HARRIS/maps and the distribution of Harries is shown on http://www.britishsurnames.co.uk/surnames/HARRIES/maps

United States

In 2000 Harris ranked twenty-fourth in the United States Census, down from fifteenth in the 1990 Census. [ [http://www.census.gov/genealogy/www/freqnames2k.html U.S. Census Bureau] ] [United States Census Bureau (9 May 1995). . Retrieved on 2008-07-04.]

Coats of Arms

Very few Harrises have any association with, or the right to bear, coats of arms. Throughout the ages various Harrises have been awarded arms by the Royal College of Arms, London, but very few were hereditary (passed on to successive generations).

As is often the case in heraldry, a tradition has emerged in the design of different Harris coats of arms; one or more hedgehogs are often incorporated into the blazon. The original reason for this has been lost in the mists of time, but it is likely that it was originally due to one, or both, of the following explanations:-

* the French name Herrice sounds similar to herison, which is French for hedgehog. Plays on words like this were used in heraldry.
* the original bearer had spiky hair, resembling a hedgehog.

Notable People


ee also

*Harris Surname DNA Project


External links

* [http://www.harrisdna.org/ - Harris DNA Project homepage] harrisdna.org
* [http://www.harrisdna.org/results.html - Harris DNA Project results] harrisdna.org
* [https://www.familytreedna.com/surname_join.aspx?code=Q41837&special=False - Harris DNA Project joining page] familytreedna.com

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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