


Naturalism is any of several philosophical stances wherein all phenomena or hypotheses, commonly labeled as supernatural, are either false or not inherently different from natural phenomena or hypotheses.

Naturalism may also refer to:

In the arts

In philosophy and science

  • Methodological naturalism, naturalism that holds that science is to be done without reference to supernatural causes; also refers to a methodological assumption in the philosophy of religion that observable events are fully explainable by natural causes without reference to the supernatural
  • Metaphysical naturalism, a form of naturalism that holds that the cosmos consists only of objects studied by the natural sciences, and does not include any immaterial or intentional realities
  • Ethical naturalism, the theory that ethical terms can be defined in non-ethical terms, namely, descriptive terms mainly from the natural sciences
  • Spiritual naturalism, an approach to spirituality that is devoid of supernaturalism
  • Religious naturalism, religious, institutions, rituals, doctrines and communities which do not include supernatural beliefs
  • Humanistic naturalism emphasises scientific reasoning as a basis for humane behavior
  • Naturalistic fallacy, appealing to a definition of the term "good" in terms of one or more natural properties
  • Sociological naturalism is the view that the natural world and the social world are roughly identical and governed by similar principles
  • Political naturalism is a politic and legal system based on the belief in the existence of a fair natural law
  • Naturalistic observation is an empirical method of study by which the researcher introduces no outside stimulus, instead witnessing behavior as it naturally occurs in the environment


See also

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  • Naturalism — • Philosophical tendency that consists essentially in looking upon nature as the one original and fundamental source of all that exists, and in attempting to explain everything in terms of nature. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • naturalism — NATURALÍSM s.n. 1. Curent sau tendinţă în artă şi literatură, care se caracterizează prin observarea riguroasă a faptelor din realitatea obiectivă, prin redarea lor fidelă, prin preferinţa pentru aspectele urâte, vulgare ale naturii omeneşti etc …   Dicționar Român

  • Naturalism —    Naturalism as a pure form was pioneered by Emile Zola, who imagined theatre as a slice of life in which romantic and sentimental elements, as well as the well made play structure, would give way to a scientific examination of unmediated… …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

  • NATURALISM —    Naturalism (shizen shugi) is a 19th century European literary movement echoed in Meiji Japan. Related to realism, naturalism attempted to explain characters’ actions through scientific means. French author Emile Zola’s works spurred such… …   Japanese literature and theater

  • Naturalism — Nat u*ral*ism, n. [Cf. F. naturalisme.] 1. A state of nature; conformity to nature. [1913 Webster] 2. (Metaph.) The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in spiritual… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • naturalism — (n.) 1630s, action based on natural instincts, from NATURAL (Cf. natural) + ISM (Cf. ism). In philosophy, as a view of the world and humanity s relationship to it, from 1750. As a tendency in art and literature, from 1850 …   Etymology dictionary

  • naturalism — ► NOUN ▪ an artistic or literary movement or style based on the highly detailed and unidealized depiction of daily life …   English terms dictionary

  • naturalism — [nach′ər əl iz΄əm, nach′rə liz΄əm] n. 1. action or thought based on natural desires or instincts 2. Literature Art etc. a) faithful adherence to nature; realism; specif., the principles and methods of a group of 19th cent. writers, including… …   English World dictionary

  • naturalism — /nach euhr euh liz euhm, nach reuh /, n. 1. Literature. a. a manner or technique of treating subject matter that presents, through volume of detail, a deterministic view of human life and actions. b. a deterministic theory of writing in which it… …   Universalium

  • Naturalism —    The Naturalist strain of theater production and play writing in Germany was essentially a reaction to well made play conventions and a call for a more authentic environment on stage, as the term artistic came to mean unnatural. German… …   Historical dictionary of German Theatre

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