Raymie Stata

Raymie Stata

"Raymie Stata" is Vice President of Engineering and Chief Architect of the Search and Advertising Technology Group at Yahoo!. Prior to joining Yahoo!, he founded Stata Laboratories, maker of the Bloomba search-based e-mail client and the SAProxy anti-spam filtercite news | first = Stephen | last = Wildstrom | title = "E-Mail That Blows The Others Away" | magazine = BusinessWeek | date = 2003-11-03 | year = 2003 | url = http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/03_44/b3856037.htm] ,which he sold to Yahoo! in October 2004cite news | title = "Yahoo! Acquires Stata Labs" | date = 2004-10-21 | year = 2004 | magazine = InformationWeek | url = http://www.informationweek.com/software/messaging/51000152] .He previously worked for Digital Equipment Corporation's Systems Research Center, where he contributed to the AltaVista search engine. He was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of California, Santa Cruz, and has collaborated with the Internet Archive.

Stata is an alumnus of MIT, were he received bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science and Engineering in 1991, and a Ph.D. in 1996 under advisor John Guttag



* cite web
first = John | last = Battelle | author-link = John Battelle
title = "Raymie Stata on Search"
url = http://battellemedia.com/archives/000905.php
date = 2004-09-20
year = 2004
publisher = John Battelle's Searchblog
accessdate = 2008-03-08

External links

* [http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/~raymie/ Home page at UCSC]

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  • Ray Stata — is a cofounder and Chairman of the Board of Analog Devices, Inc.(nyse|ADI). [ [http://www.analog.com/analog root/static/corporate/mediacenter/bio rayStata.html ADI Executives and Bios page] ] A native of Pennsylvania, Stata earned BSEE and MSEE… …   Wikipedia

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