

Thampalakad is a village in Kottayam District, Kerala. It lies 6 km from Kanjirapally, the same distance from Ponkunnam, Manjakuzhy, Koorali, Anakkal and Kappad. It is also about 4 km from Panamattom and Vanchimala. Located on the road from Kanjirapally to Manjakuzhy. Manjakuzhy is located on the Ponkunnam-Pala road.

It is inhabited by about 3000 people, mainly small farmers and employees of government departments and private establishments. It is home to the MahadevaKshetram, St. Thomas Church, Illathappan Kav temple, Penuel Ashram, IMS Devotional Center, St. Rita's School, Mahakalipara temple, SNDP Yogam Unit, NSS Veda Vyasa School, Govt. LP School, NSS Schools and the St. Anthony's Church, Manthara. It has a Post office with code 686506. Prominent places are Thekkumbhagam, Pallikavala, Shaapumpadi,Panamattom Cross or 4th Mile.

Persons of renown :

1) Advocate Mr. K.George Dominic, Kanikunnel House,practising at Kottayam



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