

Kaupe is a malevolent spirit from Hawaii that calls out to people at night to lure them to their deaths.

Kaupe in physical form appears like an enormous man, except he has a canine head and sharp claws. Some people consider him a Hawaiian werewolf, though he is something else entirely. For hundreds of years Kaupe has frequented two spots on the island of Oahu. Though he is said to originally been from Nuuanu Valley, he is more often encountered under Kipapa Bridge.

Kaupe is often considered a "calling ghost" due to the fact that like similar ghosts of that category, call to his victims rather than search them out or coincidentally running into them. His technique is to make a sound like numerous wounded or dying people. The victim would then run to the scene to help only to find nothing but a chilly clearing and dead silence. From then Kaupe would show himself to the victim, silently slipping from the shadows. He will then with inhuman speed run after you and eat you, or chase after you while staying just behind you till you reach safety. What makes kaupe incredibly terrifying is if he decides to just chase you, you will still feel the breath against your neck, his drool slide down your back, and the pounding of the ground as he runs behind you.


* [http://books.google.com/books?id=BqElGaH4DiIC&pg=PA345&dq=kaupe+-wikipedia&client=firefox-a&sig=ACfU3U2iTUB4edC6OMI1PfAni4XaG-HkGg#PPA345,M1 "Hawaiian Mythology", Martha Warren Beckwith, Katharine Luomala, pg 345]

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