- TiddlyWiki
infobox Software
caption = A standard edit dialog on a tiddler
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license = BSD license
website = [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ www.tiddlywiki.com]TiddlyWiki is a
wiki -modeledclient-side single-page application written by Jeremy Ruston that is designed to be used as a personal notebook. It is a single self-containedHTML file that includes CSS andJavaScript code. When the user downloads it to their PC, TiddlyWiki can save the entered information by overwriting itself on the user's disk, at the user's request. Following TiddlyWiki conventions, users can make a new entry, called atiddler , in their local copy of the TiddlyWiki file and save it for future reference. Existing tiddlers can also be modified or deleted in the same way. Because it runs under most browsers and requires no installation, it can be easily used as a portablepersonal wiki .TiddlyWiki is published by
UnaMesa under a BSDopen source license and is thus freely available. Developer Jeremy Ruston describes it as experimental, and in that spirit many people have used the original HTML file to create TiddlyWiki Adaptations. These fall under two general categories: those that retain the client-side write only feature, and those that addserver-side file writing to make TiddlyWiki more like a traditional wiki. Links to both these kinds of Adaptations are put in the original TiddlyWiki file as they become known. TiddlyWiki Adaptations typically add features that were not originally envisioned by Ruston, and some of these features have been included in newer versions of TiddlyWiki.A feature that sets TiddlyWiki apart from a standard wiki implementation is its content presentation. Jeremy Ruston had this to say about it:
A TiddlyWiki is like a blog because it's divided up into neat little chunks (tiddlers), but it encourages you to read it by hyperlinking rather than sequentially: if you like, a non-linear blog analogue that binds the individual microcontent items into a cohesive whole. I think that TiddlyWiki represents a novel medium for writing, and will promote its own distinctive writing style.
External links
* [http://www.tiddlywiki.com TiddlyWiki distribution by Jeremy Ruston]
* [http://www.tiddlywiki.org www.tiddlywiki.org] , the wiki on TiddlyWiki
* [http://trac.tiddlywiki.org trac.tiddlywiki.org] , TiddlyWiki infrastructure used for development:
* [http://twhelp.tiddlyspot.com/index.html TW Help TiddlyWiki help file for beginners] An excellent quick reference guide to all TiddlyWiki formatting and construction.
* [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=772332146705420259 "Why Wiki? A Glimpse into our Post-Document Future" - a presentation by Jeremy Ruston] onGoogle Video
* [http://www.tiddlytools.com/ www.tiddlytools.com] , small tool for big ideas!Plug-ins
* [http://monkeygtd.tiddlyspot.com/ MonkeyGTD] - uses [http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/ MPTW] and other plugins for automatic GTD list generation and "dashboard" type project summaries
* [http://www.dcubed.ca/ d3 ("d cubed")] - includes plugins for automatic GTD list generation
* [http://www.checkettsweb.com/tw/gtd_tiddlywiki.htm GTD TiddlyWiki Plus] - includes Clint Checketts' GTD style applied
* [http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/ MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki (MPTW)] - includes plugins for TagglyWiki style tagging and a style switcher
* [http://www.tiddlytools.com TiddlyTools] - many essential plugins created by Eric Shulman including ImportTiddlers, NestedSliders, SinglePageMode
* [http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de abegoExtensions] - many essential plugins created by Udo Borkowski including ForEachTiddler, YourSearchPlugin
* [http://tw.lewcid.org/ Lewcid TW ] - a repository of extensions for TiddlyWiki
* [http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/ BidiXTW] - home of UploadPlugin which allows you to save to a remote server with a simple php script.
* [http://tiddlythemes.com/ TiddlyThemes] - lots of themes for TiddlyWiki.Adaptations
* [http://crispynotes.com/ CrispyNotes] - Online service that lets you create multiple wikis with multi-user editing, themes, offline synchronization, attachments, history, privacy controls, etc
* [http://tiddlyspot.com/ Tiddlyspot] - An online service that allows the personal use of TiddlyWiki with support for offline and online access, synchronization, and privacy options.
* [http://www.tiddlybackpack.com/ Tiddly Backpack] - An adaptation based on 37Signals BackPack.
* [http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/asciencepad.html ASciencePad] - A TiddlyMath adaptation that supports WYSIWYG editing with theHTMLArea tool.
* [http://www.buzm.com/ Buzm] - A peer-to-peer desktop app that integrates and extends TiddlyWiki
* [http://www.christianhauck.net/html/14300.html ChristianHauck's]
* [http://www.patrickcurry.com/tiddly/ PhpTiddlyWiki] - The firstserver-side adaptation usingPHP andMySQL
* [http://www.minitiddlyserver.com MiniTiddlyServer] - Aserver-side for all TiddlyWikis that does not adapt or change them
* [http://stickwiki.sourceforge.net Wiki on a Stick] -Open source personal wiki . It is self-contained single wiki file (JavaScript ,DHTML ), currently works on Firefox, IE and Opera (read-only in this last).
* [http://www.squaremobius.net/~mikeb/Darcs/sticky-wiki/ StickyWiki] - a combination of stickies and a wiki
* [http://danielbaird.com/minimaltiddlywiki/ Minimal TiddlyWiki]
* [http://shared.snapgrid.com/gtd_tiddlywiki.html GTD TiddlyWiki] - popular adaptation; implementsGetting Things Done in TiddlyWiki
* [http://www.kevembuangga.com/hwk/ HailiWiki] - TiddlyWiki clone
* [http://aasted.org/wiki Henrik Aasted Sorensen] -PHP server-side adaptation
* [http://lesserwiki.org/ LesserWiki] - adaptation that uses Ajax to speed things up
* [http://innen.hu/MagyarTiddlyWiki/ MagyarTiddlyWiki] - adaptation in Hungarian
* [http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/tiddly/tiddlymath.html TiddlyMath] allow mathematical expression and plotting.
* [http://www.personal.psu.edu/ach12/tiddlywiki QwikiWeb] - website-oriented adaptation (no longer being developed)
* [http://informationality.com/tagglywiki/tagglywiki.html TagglyWiki] - improved tagging features (link no longer broken)
* [http://www.digitaldimsum.co.uk/tiddlywiki/ TiddlyDesktop] - desktop-style implementation with movable tiddlers
* [http://codestar.lidonet.net/misc/tiddlywikicss.html TiddlyWikiCSS]
* [http://phiffer.org/tiddly TiddlyWikiRemote] -server-side adaptation (link broken)
* [http://avm.free.fr/IMG/html/carnet_gt_BigCo.html TidliPo] - adaptation in French
* [http://tony.lownds.com/home/ TonyLownds's] (link broken - no description)
* [http://www.rumsby.org/yatwa/ YATWA] (Yet Another TiddlyWiki Adaptation) - TiddlyWiki with builtin plugins
* [http://www.wikimobile.eu WIKIMOBILE] - atiddlywiki on a mobile.
* [http://ziddlywiki.com ZiddlyWiki] -server-side adaptation withZope backend.
* [http://cctiddly.sf.net ccTiddly]server-side adaption
* [http://umibozu.org Umibozu] Photo album generator based on TiddlyWiki
* [http://wikklytext.com/wiki/ WikklyText] Not strictly an adaptation, but a TiddlyWiki-compatible wikitext engine written in Python. Can be used as a Drupal plugin, for creating standalone (static) XML/HTML files, and for converting TiddlyWikis to a set of XML/HTML files.The TiddlyWiki community of developers is so prodigious that keeping these lists up to date may be quite difficult.
* [http://coral.dev.java.net Coral] - A server-side Java implementation.Additional Information
* [http://twhelp.tiddlyspot.com/index.html TW Help TiddlyWiki help file for beginners] An excellent quick reference guide to all TiddlyWiki formatting and construction.
* [http://www.giffmex.org/twfortherestofus.html TiddlyWiki for the rest of us] An entry-level tutorial written in non-programming language
* [http://giffmex.tiddlyspot.com TiddlyWiki in Action] A showcase / index of how TiddlyWikis are being used around the world.
* [http://tiddlywikitips.com TiddlyWiki Tips] TiddlyWiki Tips Resource
* [http://www.zrenard.com/tiddlywiki/ TiddlyWiki Tips] Denis Méline's original Tips site for TiddlyWiki
* [http://www.tiddlywikihandbuch.de/tiddlywikihandbuch.html TiddlyWikiHandbuch] a "manual" in German languageOnline Communities
* [http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki Google Group: TiddlyWiki] General discussions
* [http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev Google Group: TiddlyWiki Development] Developer's discussions
* [http://groups.google.com/group/GTD-TiddlyWiki Google Group: GTD TiddlyWiki] Applying TiddlyWiki for GTD
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