

Infobox PNG Place
type = town
name = Kieta
othername =
province = bou
llg =
lang =
langarea =
dot_x = 236
dot_y = 75

caption = The city of Arawa, and the port of Kieta, from space
pop = 1100
popdate =
est =
postcode =
elevation =
coor =
maxtemp = 32
mintemp = 23
rainfall = 3037
dist1 = 12
location1 = Arawa

Kieta is located on the eastern coast of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, near the township of Arawa. It has few inhabitants now, and is known mainly for its transport connections (wharf and airfield). The majority of the town was destroyed in the 1990 Civil Uprising on Bougainville.

The airfield has a 5400 ft runway which was used by the Japanese in World War II, and was recently serviced by Air Niugini until 1990. Since then the only aircraft to service the area were the Royal Australian Air Force and Royal New Zealand Air Forces (C130 Hercules) in support of the Peace Monitoring Group.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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