- Rhizopus
Rhizopus is very interesting to watch grow.
Taxobox | name = "Rhizopus
regnum =Fungi
divisio =Zygomycota
classis =Zygomycetes
ordo =Mucorales
familia =Mucoraceae
genus = "Rhizopus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Rhizopus arrhizus "
"Rhizopus azygosporus "
"Rhizopus microsporus "
"Rhizopus nigricans "
"Rhizopus oligosporus "
"Rhizopus oryzae "
"Rhizopus schipperae "
"Rhizopus sexualis "
"Rhizopus stolonifer "
and others"Rhizopus" is a genus ofmold s that includes cosmopolitan filamentous fungi found in soil, decaying fruit and vegetables, animal feces, and old bread."Rhizopus" species produce both asexual and sexual spores. The asexual
sporangiospore s are produced inside a pinhead-like structure, the sporangium, and are genetically identical to their parent. In "Rhizopus", the sporangia are supported by a large apophysate columella, and the sporangiophores arise among distinctive rhizoids. Darkzygospore s are produced after two compatible mycelia fuse during sexual reproduction. They give rise to colonies that may be genetically different from their parents.Some "Rhizopus" species are opportunistic agents of human
zygomycosis . They may cause serious (and often fatal) infections in humans and animals because of their rapid growth rate and growth at relatively high temperatures. Some species are plantpathogen s. Two are used infood fermentation : "Rhizopus oligosporus ", is used in the production oftempeh , a fermented food derived from soybeans; "R. oryzae" is used in the production of alcoholic beverages in parts of Asia and Africa.ee also
Mucormycosis External links
* [http://www.doctorfungus.org/thefungi/rhizopus.htm Rhizopus] at DoctorFungus.org
* [http://zygomycetes.org/index.php?id=70 Rhizopus] at Zygomycetes.org
* [http://www.tempeh.idv.tw/t-ch%20mold.html Photos of "Rhizopus spp." used for tempeh-making] at www.tempeh.idv.tw
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.