

Analog or analogueref|cwe may refer to:
* (1): Analog signal, a variable signal continuous in both time and amplitude (as opposed to digital or discrete, e.g. analog wristwatch vs digital wristwatch)
**Analog circuits, circuits which use analog signals
**Analog transmission, a transmission using analog signals
**Analog Transducer is a sensor that measures continuous information.
**Analog television encodes television picture and sound information and transmits it as an analog signal
**Analog recording stores signals as a continual wave in/on a medium.
**Analog synthesizer, a synthesizer that uses analog circuits and analog computer techniques to generate sound electronically.
* (2): An analog (noun) refers to an object, concept or situation which in some way resembles a different situation.
** Analogue (literature), a literary work that shares motifs, characters or events with another, but is not directly derived from it
** An analogy
** Analog (chemistry), a structural derivative of a parent compound that often differs from it by only a single element

Titles and names

* "Analog Science Fiction and Fact", the current title of the magazine originally named "Astounding Stories"
* "A.N.A.L.O.G." (Atari News And Lots Of Games), a magazine focusing on Atari computers
* Analog (program), a computer program that analyzes log files from web servers
* Analog Devices, a semiconductor company
* The Analogs, a Polish street-punk band
* Analogue (album), a 2005 album by Norwegian band a-ha
* Analogue (theatre company), a British theatre company
* The Federal Analog Act, a section of the DEA Controlled Substances Act
* Analogue data, is usually in a paper form, including paper maps, tables of statisics and hard-copy (printed) aerial photographs.

ee also

* Analog hole, a "security gap" that is inevitable in attempts at copy protection of recordings
* Analog clock, a clock or watch that represents time by position on a dial
* Analog computer, a computer based on continuous electrical or mechanical phenomena
* Analog photography, photography with an analog sensor
* Analogical models, applied in the analysis of dynamical systems.


In the U.S., the spellings "analog" and "analogue" are interchangeable for the noun (except, for example, in the literary sense above); the adjective is usually spelled "analog". In the rest of the English-speaking world the spelling is usually "analogue" for both noun and adjective; see og/ogue. However, the spellings given above should be retained in cases where it forms part of a name or is an acronym.

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