Nationale Nederlanden

Nationale Nederlanden

company_name = Nationale-Nederlanden
company_type = Subsidiary
foundation = 1963
company_slogan =
location = The Hague, the Netherlands
key_people =
products = Life Insurance Property insurance
Casualty insurance
homepage = []
industry = Insurance
num_employees =
revenue = 5.6 billion
net_income = 1.4 billion
operating_income =
parent = ING Group
slogan =

Nationale-Nederlanden (NN) is one of the largest insurance companies in the Netherlands. The company was formed in a merger in 1962 between the "Assurantie Maatschappij tegen Brandschade De Nederlanden van 1845" (Fire insurance company The Netherlands) and the "Nationale Levensverzekerings Bank" (National Life Insurance Bank). This merger was deemed necessary due to falling market share and threat of takeovers. In 1991 NN merged once again, this time with the NMB Postbank Groep, to form the ING Group. Aside from insurance, the company also offers some banking products such as mortgages. The company is headquartered in The Hague and Rotterdam. The Rotterdam headquarters are located in the skyscraper Gebouw Delftse Poort, the tallest skyscraper in the Netherlands. Aside from these two offices, the company has no other offices in the Netherlands, instead NN relies on independend intermediairs for selling insurances.

Nationale-Nederlanden is well known as sponsor of the Dutch national football team.

See also

* Nationale-Nederlanden
* Renault F1 Team

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