

fossil_range = Devonian - L Permian
name = Rutoceratina

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Cephalopoda
subclassis = Nautiloidea
ordo = Orthocerida
subordo = Rutoceratina
subordo_authority = (Shinskiy 1957)

The Rutocertina is one of five subords in Shimankiy's (1957) classification of the Nautilida, the others being the Tainoceratina, Centroceatina, Liroceratina, and Nautilina. In general terms these are similar to the simpler classification proposed by Kummel 1964, wherein the Nautilina is divided into five superfamilies, the Tainocerataceae, Trigonocerataceae, Clydonautilacea, Aipocerataceae, and Nautilaceae. Shimanskiy's classification involves 34 families, Kummel's only twenty-seven.

The Rutoceratina (Shmanskiy 1957) is divided into two unequal superfamilies which do not correspond with the superfamiles of Kummel, 1964. They are the Rutoceratacea and the Solenochilaceae.

The Rutoceratacea is essentially the Rutoceratidae of Kummel 1964, elevted and expanded to contain two families, the Rutoceratidae in the Devonian, and the Neptunoceratidae in the late Carboniferous.

The Solenochilaceae is more or less equivalent to Kummel's Aipocerataceae


Based on descriptions of the Rutoceratidae and Aipocerataceae in Kummel 1964, the Rutoceratina are characterized as having longiconic, curved, and coiled shells which develop solid, nollow, and spoutlike wings, frills, and spines; the siphuncle being ventral, mostly orthochaonitic and empty, but in some the septal necks may be long ventrally and recumbent dorsally.


The Rutoceratina lived during the Devonian , Carboniferous, and early Permian, derived from the Oncocerida. They gave rise (Shimanskiy) through the Rutoceratidae in the Devonian to the Tainoceratina and the Centroceratina and through a familiy of the Solenochilaceae the at the end of the Devonian to the Liroceratina.


* Nautilida (Nautiloidea, Cephalopoda)
** Rutoceratina
*** Rutocerataceae
**** Rutoceratidae
**** Neptunoceratidae
*** Solenochilaceae
**** Solenochilidae
**** Litogyroceratidae
**** Scyphoceratidae
**** Dentoceratidae


* Kummel, Bernhard, 1964; Nautiloidea --Nautlida, in The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology; R.C. Moore Ed.pp K383- K448
* Shimanskiy 1957, in Kummel 1964, pp K386-387

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