- Tajal Chan Ahk
Tajal Chan Ahk, also T'ah 'ak' Cha'an, was an 8th century ruler of the Maya city
Cancuén , whose rule lasted from757 to ca.799 .References
: cite book |author=aut|Demarest, Arthur A. |authorlink=Arthur Demarest |year=2006 |title=The Petexbatun Regional Archaeological Project: A Multidisciplinary Study of the Maya Collapse |series=Vanderbilt Institute of Mesoamerican Archaeology series, nowrap|vol. 1 |location=Nashville, TN |publisher=
Vanderbilt University Press |isbn=978-0-8265-1520-9 |oclc=63178772: cite journal|author=aut|Moran, Melanie |coauthors=and aut|Mimi Koumenalis |year=2005 |date=2005-11-18 |title=Royal massacre signals the beginning of the end of the Maya empire |url=http://www.vanderbilt.edu/exploration/stories/mayamassacre.html |journal=Exploration: Vanderbilt's Online Research Magazine |publisher=Vanderbilt University |location=Nashville, TN |accessdate=2008-05-02: cite journal |author=aut|Pérez, Sonia |year=2005 |date=2005-06-03 |title=Hallan tumba de familia real de Cancuén: Once presuntos familiares de rey habrían sido muertos en Petén en 850 d. C |url=http://www.prensalibre.com/pl/2005/junio/03/115808.html |format=online edition |journal=Prensa Libre |location=Guatemala |publisher=Prensa Libre S.A. |oclc=12565005 |accessdate=2008-05-02 es icon : cite web |author=aut|Skidmore, Joel |year=2005 |date=2005-11-19 |title=Cancuen in the News |url=http://www.mesoweb.com/reports/cancuen_news.html |work=Mesoweb Reports and News |publisher=Mesoweb |accessdate=2008-05-02
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