14–19 Diploma

1419 Diploma

The 1419 Diploma is a qualification in England, launching in September 2008 in certain areas of the country. Its development was announced in the "1419 Education and Skills" White Paper of March 2005.

As the qualification title suggests, it will be available to learners between the ages of 14 and 19, thus crossing the divide between compulsory education and post-compulsory education.

Five "lines of learning" will be available in the first instance:

*Construction and the Built Environment
*Creative and Media
*Information Technology
*Society, Health and Development

The next five lines of learning will be available from September 2009:
*Business, Administration and Finance
*Environmental and Land Based studies
*Hair and Beauty studies
*Manufacturing and Product Design

The Diploma support programme provides support to practitioners for delivery of the diploma from 2009 and beyond. See http://www.diploma-support.org.

Further lines will be added year by year until in 2011 there will be 17 lines available, including Science, Humanities and Languages.

Within each line of learning, Diplomas are awarded at three levels:

*Foundation (equivalent to 5 GCSEs at grades DG, level 1 in the National Qualifications Framework)
*Higher (equivalent to 7 GCSEs at grades A*–C, level 2 in the framework)
*Advanced (equivalent to 3.5 A Levels
UCAS tariff points have been agreed for the Advanced Diplomas, since they are expected to be used in progression to higher education. Some universities have said that they may not accept the qualification for entry to undergraduate study.


* [http://www.dcsf.gov.uk Department for Children, Schools and Families]
* [http://yp.direct.gov.uk/diplomas]
* [http://www.qca.org.uk Qualifications and Curriculum Authority]

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