- List of development aid agencies
This is a list of aid agencies which provide regional and international
development aid or assistance, divided between national and international organizations.National
Australia -Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
*Austria -The Austrian Development Cooperation [http://www.bmaa.gv.at./eza]
*Belgium - [http://www.diplobel.fgov.be]
*Brazil - The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
*Canada -Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) andInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC)
*Denmark - Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
*European Union - [http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/development/index_en.htm]
*Finland -Department for International Development Cooperation [http://global.finland.fi/english/index.html]
*France -Department for International Cooperation [http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/cooperation/index.html] andFrench Development Agency (AfD)
*Germany -Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development , German Development Bank (KfW) [http://www.kfw.de/EN] , andDeutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (GmbH: Corporation for International Development Cooperation)
*Greece -Ministry of Foreign Affairs
*Ireland -Irish Aid [http://www.dci.gov.ie/]
*Italy - [http://www.esteri.it/eng/foreignpol/coop/index.htm]
*Japan - [http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/oda] ,Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), andJapan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
*Korea -Korean International Cooperation Agency [http://www.koica.go.kr/english/main.jsp]
*Liechtenstein -Liechtensteinische Entwicklungsdienst [http://www.led.li]
*Luxembourg -Lux-Development [http://www.lux-development.lu]
*New Zealand -New Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAid) [http://www.nzaid.govt.nz]
*Netherlands -Ministry of Development Cooperation [http://www.minbuza.nl/default.asp?CMS_ITEM=MBZ257572] (has its own minister but is a part of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs )
*Norway - [http://www.mfa.no/ud/engelsk] andNorwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
*Poland - [http://www.polskapomoc.gov.pl]
*Portugal - [http://www.min-nestrangeiros.pt/politica/africana] andPortuguese Cooperation Institute [http://www.icp.mne.gov.pt]
*Republic of China (Taiwan) -International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) [http://www.icdf.org.tw/english/index.asp]
*Slovakia -Slovak Aid [http://www.slovakaid.sk]
*Spain -Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) [http://www.aeci.es]
*Sweden -Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
*Switzerland -Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC),Helvetas
*Turkey - Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA),www.tika.gov.tr, Turkish Prime Ministry Department- TURKEY
*United Kingdom -Department for International Development (DFID)
*United States -United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and theInter-American Foundation (IAF)Multilateral or international
African Development Bank
*Asian Development Bank
*Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
*European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
*European Investment Bank
*Inter-American Development Bank
*International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD; part of World Bank Group)
*International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
*International Monetary Fund (IMF)
*International Organization for Migration (IOM)
*Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (part of World Bank Group)
*Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
*United Nations (UN)
*United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
*United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
*United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
*United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
*United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*World Bank Group
*World Food Programme
*World Health Organization (WHO)
*World Trade Organization (WTO)Non-governmental organizations
Aga Khan Development Network
*Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)
*Giving Children Hope
* [http://www.trickleup.org Trickle Up Program]
* [http://www.centreforsafety.org Centre for Safety and Development]Major International Development Web Portals
* [http://www.ideas4development.org Ideas for Development] - blog of heads of International Development Agencies
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