

Laïs is a Belgian group creates folk, and world music consisting of polyphonic close harmony songs, occasionally a cappella, based on self-composed melodies with lyrics dating back to the Middle Ages.


Laïs' career started in 1994, when Jorunn and Annelies performed a song at a folk festival in Gooik, near Brussels. Nathalie joined the group somewhat later. They had their breakthrough after their appearance at a folk festival at Dranouter, near Ypres, in 1996.

Their debut CD album was released in 1998. They performed in South Africa, Canada, France (as a supporting program for Sting), the Netherlands and China. In April 2004 they released their third CD to the market under the title "Douce Victime", with covers from Jacques Brel and Herman van Veen. It was recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.

With their album "The Ladies' Second Song", released in September 2007, the group changed their approach and could no longer be characterized as folk. The album introduces the use of electric guitars, loops and electronic beats. Their lyrics have equally undergone a thorough overhaul. Instead of drawing their lyrics from old songbooks, they have turned to poetry from William Butler Yeats, Paul Verlaine and Pablo Neruda.


The female vocal trio part of Laïs are three young women from Kalmthout:
* Jorunn Bauweraerts
* Annelies Brosens
* Nathalie Delcroix

They are accompanied by four men:
* Fritz Sundermann (electric and acoustic instruments, harmonium)
* Hans Quaghebeur (squeezeboxes, hurdy-gurdy, whistle)
* Ronny Reuman (percussion)
* Bart Denolf (electric and acoustic bass)

Laïs has also renewed their band:
*Elko Blijweert (guitar)
*Bjorn Eriksson (guitar, elektronica),
*Jeroen Stevens (drums)
*Filip Vandebril (contrabas).
*Dan Lacksman (synthesizer, former Telex (band), Dan Lacksman's Alliance, producer) did the mixing at the sound console.


* "Laïs", ALEA, 1998
* "Dorothea", Virgin Music Belgium, 2000
* "Dorothea ltd. ed.", Virgin Music Belgium, 2001
* "A la capella", Virgin Music Belgium, 2003
* "Douce victime", Virgin Music Belgium, 2004
* "Documenta" (Compilation), EMI, 2006
* "The Ladies' Second Song", 2007


* "'t Smidje", ALEA, 1998
* "De Ballade van Boon", EMI Belgium, 1999
* "Le grand vent", Virgin Music Belgium, 2001
* "Le renard et la belette", Virgin Music Belgium, 2002


* Interview with Dirk Steenhaut, newspaper De Morgen, 22 September 2007

External links

* [ Official website]

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