Elite 4

Elite 4

"Elite 4" (sometimes written "Elite IV") is a video game proposed by Frontier Developments, specifically by David Braben. The project's current status is not known.

Third sequel

"Elite 4" will be a sequel to 1984's "Elite", a game that Braben and his former associate, Ian Bell, wrote primarily for the BBC Micro personal computer. The two previous sequels, ' and ', were released in the 1990s, during which time Braben and Bell had an acrimonious falling out. [cite web | url=http://www.iancgbell.clara.net/elite/archive/b5081501.htm | author=McCarthy, Michael | title=The Ian Bell Interview (hosted on Ian Bell's website) | date=August 1995 | publisher=Games Domain | format=html | language = English | accessdate=2007-10-28] Frontier's information page for the game notes that "Elite IV" is a provisional title [cite web | url=http://www.frontier.co.uk/games/elite4/faq.html | title=Official Elite IV FAQ from Frontier Developments | date=2001 | publisher=Frontier Developments | accessdate=2007-10-27 | format=html | language=English] . The game was effectively in development hell from 2001 to 2007. However, creator David Braben has stated production is ready to begin after the release of "Outsider". According to Braben, features under consideration for "Elite 4" include "Newtonian gravity", realistic star systems and the "ability to land on planets".

Vaporware suspicions

"Elite 4" is considered by many to be vaporware [cite web |url=http://www.gameskank.net/company-Frontier%20Developments.html | title=GameSkank - Company Profile: Frontier Developments | date=2007 | accessdate=2007-09-14 | format=html] ; that is, it is suspected that the game may never be released. The game was first proposed back in 1998, and while many modern games can take several years to complete -- "Frontier" took five and a half years from start to finish -- there have been no formal previews, screenshots, press releases or progress reports released for the game. Since then, the only details about the game provided by the developers are found in a brief FAQ on Frontier Development's site which does not appear to have been updated since 2001.


In November 2006, GameSpot conducted an interview with David Braben in which the subject of "Elite 4" came up. Braben revealed that "Elite 4" began and ceased development as an MMORPG in 2000, abandoned due to the immaturity of technology for online play. When asked if the game would ever be released, Braben responded "We will do "Elite 4" after "Outsider", so it will benefit from everything we've done in "Outsider"." [cite web| url=http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6162140.html | title=Q&A: David Braben--from Elite to today | author=Boyes, Emma | publisher=Gamespot UK | date=2006-11-22 | accessdate=2007-09-14 | format=html] Braben repeated this claim in a "Game Theory Show" podcast in August 2007. [cite web| url=http://www.gametheoryshow.com/index.php?post_id=247823 | title=Game Theory Episode 21 - Elite | format=mp3 | date=2007-08-21 | accessdate=2007-09-14]

During an interview with "Computer and Video Games" in September 2007, Braben revealed that Frontier Developments is currently working on new technologies required to deliver the game, and has been for two years. [cite web | url=http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=171572 | author= Ogden, Gavin | date=2007-09-07 | accessdate=2007-09-25 | publisher=Computer and Video Games | format=html | title= Elite creator talks new frontiers]

At the Gamecity International Interactive Entertainment Festival 2007 event in Nottingham UK, it was revealed that Braben and Frontier Developments are aiming to have Elite 4 released for the current generation of gaming consoles and PC. [cite web | url=http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=86275 | title=Elite IV in this generation? | author=Bramwell, Tom | date=2007-10-26 | accessdate=2007-10-27 | publisher=Eurogamer | format=html | language=English] Also at the event, Braben, during an interview about courses teaching game development in the UK, revealed that Frontier Developments is recruiting staff to work on their current projects, including "Elite 4". [cite web | url=http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=30008 | title=Games courses are 5 years out of date, says Braben | author=Martin, Matt | date=2007-10-26 | accessdate=2007-10-27 | format=html | language=English | publisher=Gameindustry.biz]

At the 2008 Game Developers Conference in Germany, David Braben hinted that an announcement regarding the game's release would come in 2008. Braben stated that the new version "would certainly need a better interface, or at least one which is easier to use for modern gamers." [cite news|url=http://www.gamersglobal.com/news/612|title=GDC 08: David Braben to announce new Elite in 2008|publisher=Gamers Global|date=2008-02-20]

At a recent Develop Conference, Braben stated that Elite 4 technology is almost finished and will be released after "The Outsider" which is due in 2009. [cite news|url=http://www.developmag.com/news/30256/Elite-4-technology-almost-finished-says-Braben|title=Elite 4 technology almost finished, says Braben|publisher=Develop|date=2008-07-30]


External links

* [http://forums.frontier.co.uk Official forums for "Elite 4"]
* [http://www.frontier.co.uk/games/elite4/faq.html "Elite 4" FAQ from David Braben]
* [http://www.eliteforum.org/ "Elite 4" forum and news site]
* [http://www.computerandvideogames.com/game.php?id=1926 "Elite 4" at CVG]

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