- Riemann series theorem
mathematics , the Riemann series theorem (also called the Riemann rearrangement theorem), named after 19th-century German mathematicianBernhard Riemann , says that if aninfinite series isconditionally convergent , then its terms can be arranged in apermutation so that the series converges to any given value, or even diverges.Definitions
A series converges if there exists a value such that the
sequence of the partial sums:
converges to . That is, for any , there exists an integer "N" such that if , then
A series converges conditionally if the series converges but the series diverges.
A permutation is simply a
bijection from the set ofpositive integer s to itself. This means that if is a permutation, then for any positive integer "b", there exists a positive integer "a" such that . Furthermore, if , then .tatement of the theorem
Suppose that
is a sequence of
real number s, and that is conditionally convergent. Let be a real number. Then there exists a permutation of the sequence such that:
There also exists a permutation such that
The sum can also be rearranged to diverge to or to fail to approach any limit, finite or infinite.
alternating harmonic series is a classic example of a conditionally convergent series::
is convergent, while
is the ordinary harmonic series, which diverges. Although in standard presentation the alternating harmonic series converges to ln(2), its terms can be arranged to converge to any number, or even to diverge. One instance of this is as follows. Begin with the series written in the usual order,
and rearrange the terms:
where the pattern is: the first two terms are 1 and −1/2, whose sum is 1/2. The next term is −1/4. The next two terms are 1/3 and −1/6, whose sum is 1/6. The next term is −1/8. The next two terms are 1/5 and −1/10, whose sum is 1/10. In general, the sum is composed of blocks of three:
This is indeed a rearrangement of the alternating harmonic series: every odd integer occurs once positively, and the even integers occur once each, negatively (half of them as multiples of 4, the other half as twice odd integers). Since
this series can in fact be written:
:which is half the usual sum.
*Weisstein, Eric (2005). [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RiemannSeriesTheorem.html Riemann Series Theorem] . Retrieved May 16, 2005.
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