Philip Stephens

Philip Stephens

Philip Stephens is an English journalist and author.


Philip Stephens is an associate editor of the Financial Times, where he writes a comment piece for the paper each Tuesday and Thursday.

He was educated at Wimbledon College and at Oxford University, where he took an honours degree in modern history. He joined Reuters as a correspondent in London and Brussels before moving to the Financial Times newspaper in 1983. There he has worked as economics editor, political editor and editor of the UK edition.

He wrote the book "Politics and the Pound", a study of the management of exchange rates by the British Government, and its relations with Europe since 1979. He also wrote a biography of Tony Blair, when he was British Prime Minister.

He is a Fulbright Fellow and winner of the 2002 David Watt Prize for outstanding political journalism.

External links

[ Financial Times biography] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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