

Bentheim-Bentheim was a County of southeastern Lower Saxony, Germany. The borders of Bentheim-Bentheim by 1806 were the modern borders of the District of Bentheim. It was one of the original partitions of the County of Bentheim in 1277, and it partitioned between itself and Bentheim-Steinfurt in 1454. Bentheim-Bentheim reemerged as a County in 1643, and was mediatised to Berg in 1806, before being annexed to France in 1810, and later granted to Hanover by the Congress of Vienna.

Counts of Bentheim-Bentheim (1277 - 1530)


  • Egbert (1277 - 1305)
  • John (1305 - 1333)
  • Simon (1333 - 1348)
  • Otto III (1348 - 1364)
  • Bernard I (1364 - 1421)


  • Eberwin I (1421 - 1454)
  • Bernard II (1454 - 1473)
  • Eberwin II (1473 - 1530)

Counts of Bentheim-Bentheim (1643 - 1806)

  • Philip Conrad (1643 - 1668)
  • Arnold Maurice (1668 - 1701)
  • Herman Frederick (1701 - 1723)
  • Louis Francis (1723 - 1731)
  • Frederick Charles (1731 - 1803)
  • Louis (Count of Bentheim-Steinfurt) (1803 - 1806)

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