Marc Simon

Marc Simon

Marc Simon featured for the Canadian rugby league team at full back and goal kicker first in the student world cup in 1999,Fact|date=June 2008 then in the following year during the emerging nations world cup, and captained the side against Italy in their 66-6 defeat. Simon is believed to hold the record for the most consecutive goal kick in one match, 18 in Hemel Stags vs St Albans match of 1998 (summer conference) Fact|date=June 2008 and is also Canada's highest scoring goal kicker.Fact|date=June 2008 He also featured in the St Marys (Twickenham) side that became the first southern university to win the BUCS championship, The original London Skolars team and London Broncos Alliance. Fact|date=June 2008



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