Guido Terrena

Guido Terrena

Guido Terrena (c.1270, Perpignan-1342) was a Catalan Carmelite canon lawyer and scholastic philosopher.


He was a student of Godfrey of Fontaines, and teacher of John Baconthorpe [Jorge J. E. Gracia, Timothy B. Noone (editors), "A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages" (2003), p. 291.] . He became prior-general of the Carmelites in 1318] , bishop of Mallorca, and bishop of Elna [Daniel Williman, "The Right of Spoil of the Popes of Avignon, 1316-1415" (1988), p. 121.] [, in Spanish,] . As bishop of Elna he opposed Adhémar IV de Mosset [, in French.] .

A strong proponent of Aristotle, he taught at Avignon [Andrew Jotischky, "The Carmelites and Antiquity: Mendicants and Their Pasts in the Middle Ages" (2002), p. 26.] .


He was an early infallibilist [Jaroslav Pelikan, "The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine" (1989), p. 107.] ; the concept of papal infallibility is thought to occur first in a work he wrote concerning the conflict of Pope John XXII and the Franciscan Spirituals [Philippe Levillain,"The Papacy: An Encyclopedia" (2002), p. 776.] . It is said that he adapted this doctrine to papal needs, rather than originating it [Paul Misner, "Papacy and Development: Newman and the Primacy of the Pope" (1976), note p. 176.] , and before 1328 [Brian Gogan, "The Common Corps of Christendom" (1982), note p. 32.] .

He was one of those opposing the views of Arnold of Villanova on the Antichrist [Marjorie Reeves, "The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages: A Study in Joachimism" (1969), p. 315.] [John Anthony Burrow, Ian P. Wei, "Medieval Futures: Attitudes to the Future in the Middle Ages" (2000), p. 34.] ; and he first dubbed Joachim of Fiore a heretic [Reeves, p. 69.] . He was asked, with Pierre de la Palud, to report on Peter John Olivi's apocalyptic writing. [ [ From black magic to heresy: a doctrinal leap in the pontificate of John XXII. Industry & Business Article - Research, News, Information, Contacts, Divisions, Subsidiaries, Business Associations ] ] [Gordon Leff, "Heresy in the Later Middle Ages", p. 211.]

Other works include the "Errores Sarracenorum" against Islam [Joseph Puig, p. 2560 in Andreas Speer, "Wissen über Grenzen: Arabisches wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter" (2006).] and a Decretals commentary.


*B.-M. Xiberta, "Guiu Terrena, Carmelita de Perpinyà", (Barcelona 1932)
*T. Shogimen, "William of Ockham and Guido Terreni", History of Political Thought, Volume 19, Number 4, 1998, pp. 517-530
*C. Schabel, "Early Carmelites between Giants. Questions on Future Contingents by Gerard of Bologna and Guy Terrena". Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales 70 (2003) 139-205.


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* [ List of Works at "Liste lateinischer Autoren und anonymer Werke des 13. Jahrhunderts (ca. 1170-1320)"]

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