Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra

Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra

Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra (1610April 19, 1686) was a Spanish dramatist and historian.

He was born at Alcalá de Henares (or, less probably, Plasencia). He studied law at Salamanca, where he produced a comedy entitled "Amor y obligación", which was acted in 1627. He became secretary to the count of Oropesa, and in 1654 he was appointed secretary of state as well as private secretary to Philip IV. Later he obtained the lucrative post of chronicler of the Indies, and, on taking orders in 1671 severed his connexion with the stage. He died at Madrid on April 19, 1686.

His Work

Of his ten extant plays, two have some place in the history of the drama. "El Amor al uso" was adapted by Scarron and again by Thomas Corneille as "L'Amour de la mode", while "La Gitanilla de Madrid", itself founded on the novela of Cervantes, has been utilized directly or indirectly by PA Wolff, Victor Hugo and Longfellow.

The titles of the remaining seven are "Triunfos de amor y fortuna", "Eurídice y Orfeo", "El Alcetzar del secrete", "Las Amazonas", "El doctor Carlino", "Un bobo hace ciento", and "Amparar el enemigo". "Amor y obligación survives in a manuscript at the Biblioteca Nacional.

The "Historia de la conquista de México, población y progresos de la América septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva España", covering the three years between the appointment of Cortés to command the invading force and the fall of the city, deservedly ranks as a Spanish prose classic. It was published in 1684; an English translation by Townshend appeared in 1724.



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