John Barbour

John Barbour

John Barbour may refer to:

* John Barbour (poet) (c. 1316-1395), Scottish poet
* John S. Barbour (1790-1855), U.S. congressman from Virginia
* John S. Barbour, Jr. (1820-1892), his son, also a politician from Virginia
* John Barbour (actor) (b. 1934?), Canadian-born television personality in the United States
* John Barbour (clothing maker), namesake of J. Barbour & Sons, a British manufacturer of outerwear

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  • John Barbour — (ca. 1316 – 13 de marzo de 1395), poeta escocés, nació, quizá en Aberdeenshire, a principios del siglo XIV, aproximadamente en 1316. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Padre de la poesía escocesa 3 …   Wikipedia Español

  • John Barbour —     John Barbour     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► John Barbour     Scottish ecclesiastic and author of The Bruce , a historical poem in the early Scottish or Northern English dialect, b. about 1320; d. 1395. He was already Archdeacon of Aberdeen in… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • John Barbour — (* nach 1316; † 13. März 1395) ist der älteste nationale Dichter Schottlands. Barbour war Archidiakon in Aberdeen. Sein Gedicht „The Bruce“ (um 1375; hrsg. von Skeat, London 1870) erzählt die Geschichte von Robert the Bruce, dem Sieger von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Barbour — (né en 1320 et décédé le 13 mars 1395), était un poète écossais et la première voix littéraire importante à écrire en écossais, la langue en style local des Lowlands d Écosse. Il tient une place, dans la tradition littéraire de la nation,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • John Barbour (poet) — John Barbour (?1320 ndash; March 13, 1395), was a Scottish poet and the first major literary voice to write in Scots, the vernacular language of Lowland Scotland, similar to the position that Chaucer, his slightly later contemporary,… …   Wikipedia

  • John Barbour (actor) — Infobox actor imagesize = 150px name = John Barbour birthname = John Barbour birthdate = bda|1933|4|24 birthplace = Toronto, Canada occupation = Actor, television host awards = Documentary award, 1992, The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison… …   Wikipedia

  • John Barbour — n. (1316? 1395) Scottish ecclesiastic and poet …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Barbour, John — • Scottish ecclesiastic and author of The Bruce , a historical poem in the early Scottish or Northern English dialect, b. about 1320; d. 1395 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Barbour, John      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Barbour — may refer to the following people:*Erwin Hinckly Barbour, an American geologist *Haley Barbour, the current governor of Mississippi *Ian Barbour, an American scholar of the relationship between science and religion *James Barbour, the 19th… …   Wikipedia

  • Barbour (Textilien) — Barbour bezeichnet bei Textilien die Produkte von J. Barbour Sons, dem weltweit bekanntesten Hersteller von Wachsjacken. Geschichte der Firma Barbour Die Firma wurde 1894 in South Shields in Großbritannien gegründet. Der Firmengründer John… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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