- Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), or ASD(HA), is chartered under
United States Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5136.1 [http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/513601p.pdf] in 1994. This DoDD states that the ASD(HA) is the principal advisor to theU.S. Secretary of Defense on all "DoD health policies, programs and activities."The ASD(HA) reports to the Undersecretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), or USD(PR). A political appointee, the ASD(HA) is an [http://www.gpoaccess.gov/plumbook/2004/p26-37_dod_secretary.pdf Executive Service Level IV] official. He or she is nominated by the
President of the United States , and confirmed by theUnited States Senate .The current (2007 - 2008) ASD(HA) is
S. Ward Casscells . Dr. Casscells was appointed and confirmed in early 2007, on the heels of theWalter Reed Army Medical Center scandal and allegations of system-wide inadequate care for such problems as port-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD ) andtraumatic brain injury (TBI). Casscells launched a program of openness, transparency and accountability, including inviting reporters to Walter Reed, meeting regularly with service members and advocacy groups, establishing a TBI Center of Excellence, and speaking publicly about experiences with PTSD and the normal anxieties of combat. Casscells established an aggressive campaign to solicit service members' and families' participation in improving the Military Health System, including a regular blog and newsletters, with ample feedback opportunities. Finally, he has institutionalized DoD's role in international health development by creating theInternational Health [http://fhp.osd.mil/intlhealth/] Division in FHP&R, to develop policy and best practices; and partner with NGOs, other governmental agencies, academics and host nationals in promoting sustainable health improvements to deter conflict.Dr. Casscells' term is expected to expire on 21 January, 2009, coincident with the Presidential inauguration.
The ASD(HA) is responsible for a number of organizations which directly affect the health care of service members and their dependents. These responsibilities are executed through several
Senior Executive Service managers, including the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and the following Deputy Assistant Secretaries:
* [http://fhp.osd.mil Force Health Protection & Readiness (FHP&R)]
*Clinical and Program Policy
*Health Budgets and Financial Policy.Other special activities include the
TRICARE Management Agency, which is like a huge health maintenance organization for service members; and theUniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS), which educates uniformphysician s and other health professionals for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Public Health Service.
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