

French commune|name= Tilloy-lès-Conty

x = 135
y = 42
maire=Martine Queval
intercomm=Communauté de communes du canton de Conty
alt moy=105 m
alt mini=48 m
alt maxi=135 m

Tilloy-lès-Conty is a commune in the Somme "département" in the Picardie region of France.


Situated some 10 miles south southwest of Amiens, on the D8e road


Places of interest

* The 17th century church of Notre-Dame

Château de Tilloy-lès-Conty

Ancient fief of the seigneurs of the Croy family, restored as a country house at the end of the 17th century. [Le château (façades et toitures), le hall d' entrée, ses deux paliers et escaliers, ainsi que son parc sont classés en totalité (cad. AD 10, 50 à 52, 72) : inscription par arrêté du 19 juillet 2004.] .Comprising of a garden and a 9 hectare park, with a little English garden filled with 165 varieties of roses.

The gardens of the Pic-Vert

A 6000 square metre garden built by Michel Driencourt around a large 19th century Picardie farm, in four sections:
* A shady garden with old Japanese cherry trees,
* An inner courtyard,
* An old orchard and vegetable garden,
* A conservatory of ancient varieties 2500 varieties of shrubs and perennials are on show with collections of delphinium, iris, poppies, magnolia, hydrangea and Japanese maples.

See also

Communes of the Somme department

External links

* [http://www.recensement.insee.fr/RP99/rp99/co_navigation.co_page?nivgeo=C&codgeo=80761&theme=ALL&typeprod=ALL&lang=FR&quelcas=LISTE Tilloy-lès-Conty on the Insee website] fr
* [http://www.quid.fr/communes.html?mode=query&req=Tilloy-lès-Conty Tilloy-lès-Conty on the Quid website] fr


*"This article is based on the equivalent article from the French Wikipedia, consulted on April 4th 2008."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Communauté De Communes Du Canton De Conty — Ajouter une image Administration Pays France Région Picardie Département Somme (département) Date de création 28 décembre …   Wikipédia en Français

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