2 plus 1

2 plus 1

infobox musical artist
Name = 2 plus 1

Img_capt =
Background = group_or_band
Origin = flagicon|Poland Poland
Genre = Pop, Folk rock, Disco, Synthpop, Rock, New Wave
Years_active = 1971 – 1992
1998 - 1999
Label = Polskie Nagrania Muza, Tonpress, Autobahn, Savitor
URL = [http://www.dwaplusjeden.pl www.dwaplusjeden.pl]
Current_members = Janusz Kruk
Elżbieta Dmoch
Cezary Szlązak
Past_members = Andrzej Rybiński
Andrzej Krzysztofik

2 plus 1 was a Polish band performing pop and folk music and in the later period of its activity also synthpop and rock music. Founded in 1971 in Warsaw, it became one of the most popular Polish groups ever. The band recorded ten studio albums, won many prizes and performed in many countries. The group achieved the greatest success in 1970's, and continued it also in 1980's. On the turn of the 70's and 80's the band had notable success in Western Europe. The end of 2 plus 1's activity brought the death of its leader, Janusz Kruk, in 1992.


1970's: The beginnings

The band was founded in January 1971 by Janusz Kruk and Elżbieta Dmoch. Later a new guitarist, Andrzej Rybiński, joined the group and the trio performed together under the name "Smak Miodu" (The taste of honey) which was afterwards changed for "Dwa Plus Jeden". The band started to cooperate with Polish lyricist Katarzyna Gärtner and became the first band to perform her songs live.

Andrzej Rybiński soon left the group and founded his own formation Andrzej I Eliza. After that, Andrzej Krzysztofik joined the group. In this make-up the band recorded first two albums. The first one was entitled "Nowy Wspaniały Świat" (New wonderful world) and released in December 1972. It brought the group high popularity, through the hits like "Chodź, Pomaluj Mój Świat" (Come and colour my world), "Czerwone Słoneczko" (Red little sun) or "Wstawaj, Szkoda Dnia" (Wake up, don't waste the time).

The band performed in its homeland and abroad, won many prizes, for example took the 1st place for the song "Codzienność" (Day-to-day life) in Opole and the 3rd place for "Kołysanka Matki" (Mother's lullaby) in Sopot. In 1975 Dwa Plus Jeden released second longplay, entitled "Wyspa Dzieci" (The isle of children). The band was then one of the most popular groups in Poland. Soon next albums were released: "Aktor" in 1977 (devoted to Zbigniew Cybulski, famous Polish actor), "Teatr Na Drodze" (Theatre on the road) in 1978 with 2 plus 1's biggest hit "Windą Do Nieba" (By lift to heaven) and "Irlandzki Tancerz" (Irish dancer) with songs inspired by Irish folk music.

1980's: International career and musical development

In the summer of 1979 2 plus 1 recorded a single called "Easy Come, Easy Go". It turned out to be a big success, so in 1980 an international album under the same title was released. The record gained popularity in West Europe and next songs became hits, for example "Singapore". The group performed in many popular TV shows, for example in German "Musikladen" or "Ein Kessel Buntes". In 1981 the second international album was issued, "Warsaw Nights". Unfortunately, promising international career was broken by the martial law in Poland in December 1981, which made travelling abroad much more difficult.

The band had to focus only on the career in Poland, so in 1981 they recorded double A side single "Kalkuta Nocą"/"Obłędu Chcę" (Calcuta at night/I want madness) and one of their biggest hits ever "Iść W Stronę Słońca" (To walk towards the sun). In 1983 2 plus 1 gave an avant-garde performance in Opole where they presented songs from the forthcoming album. Soon after that their 8th album was released, "Bez Limitu" (No limits). It turned out to be both commercial and artistic success. It presented 2 plus 1's new image and musical style. The sounded more like rock, new wave and synth pop. Many songs from the album became hits, including "Requiem Dla Samej Siebie" (Requiem for myself), "Nic Nie Boli" (Nothing hurts), "Superszczur" (Super rat) and "XXI Wiek (Dla Wszystkich Nas)" (21st century for everyone). In 1984 the band recorded next single "Wielki Mały Człowiek" (Big little human) which was included on the next album "Video".

In the second half of the 80's band's career slowed down. The group performed less and less and TV appearances were rather seldom. Besides, the break up of Janusz and Elżbieta's relationship took place. In spite of this, in 1989 10th album was issued. It was entitled "Antidotum". The record didn't go as far as previous albums. In the same year Janusz Kruk fainted on stage during a concert in the USA.

1990's: The break up and comeback attempt

Year 1992 brought the end of 2+1's career, when on 18th June Janusz Kruk, the leader of the band, died on heart attack. After that, Elżbieta gave up public and social life.

In the fall of 1998 Cezary Szlązak and Elżbieta decided to reactivate 2 plus 1. The comeback was very successful: several performances gathered many fans. 2 plus 1 appeared in many TV shows, for example "Szansa na sukces". Despite successful return, in the beginning of 1999 Elżbieta Dmoch decided to cancel all the plans and 2 plus 1 was dissolved again.

Band members

Janusz Kruk 1971 - 1992
Elżbieta Dmoch 1971 - 1999
Andrzej Rybiński 1971 - 1971
Andrzej Krzysztofik 1971 - 1976
Cezary Szlązak 1976 - 1999
Dariusz Sygitowicz 1998 - 1999
Michał Król 1998 - 1999


There are many appropriate names of the band. The first used form was Dwa Plus Jeden - on the cover of their debut album "Nowy Wspaniały Świat". But the name that was used most often was 2 Plus 1. On the cover of the album "Aktor" there is also the English version: Two Plus One, and on the "Wyspa Dzieci" cover one can even see the form Dwa + Jeden. Fans usually use the shortest form: 2+1.



The list below presents all ten studio albums and main compilations.

* 1972: "Nowy Wspaniały Świat"
* 1975: "Wyspa Dzieci"
* 1977: "Aktor"
* 1978: "Teatr Na Drodze"
* 1979: "Irlandzki Tancerz"
* 1980: "Easy Come, Easy Go"
* 1981: "Warsaw Nights"
* 1983: "Bez Limitu"
* 1985: "Video"
* 1986: "Greatest Hits Live"
* 1989: "Antidotum"
* 1991: "18 Greatest Hits"
* 1996: "21 Greatest Hits"
* 1997: "Greatest Hits Vol. 2"
* 2006: "Złota Kolekcja"

Most popular songs and singles

* 1972: "Czerwone Słoneczko"
* 1972: "Chodź, Pomaluj Mój Świat"
* 1973: "Wstawaj, Szkoda Dnia"
* 1973: "Hej, Dogonię Lato"
* 1974: "Na Luzie"
* 1974: "Kołysanka Matki"
* 1975: "Wyspa Dzieci"
* 1976: "Odpłyniesz Wielkim Autem"
* 1977: "Muzyka W Serca Wstąpi Nam"
* 1978: "Windą Do Nieba"
* 1978: "Ding-Dong"
* 1978: "California Mon Amour"
* 1978: "O Leli Lo!"
* 1979: "Idę Na Zachód Zielony"
* 1979: "Easy Come, Easy Go"
* 1980: "Singapore"
* 1981: "Iść W Stronę Słońca"
* 1982: "Nic Nie Boli"
* 1983: "Requiem Dla Samej Siebie"
* 1983: "XXI Wiek (Dla Wszystkich Nas)"
* 1983: "Superszczur"
* 1984: "Wielki Mały Człowiek"
* 1985: "Video"
* 1989: "Ocalę Cię"

Chart positions

Promotional TV programs

2 plus 1 often produced short programs for TV broadcast to promote new albums. They presented songs from the forthcoming albums and mostly consisted of videoclips. Note that the list below may not be complete.

* 1978: "2+1"
* 1983: "Królowie, Poskramiacze Dzikich Zwierząt"
* 1985: "Video, Czyli 2+1"

External links

* [http://www.dwaplusjeden.pl Official website]
* [http://winyle.kppg.netiz.pl/wykon.php?art=1041&prf=1 Dwa Plus Jeden's discography in Polish Gramophone Records Catalogue]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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