Lygia Fagundes Telles

Lygia Fagundes Telles

Lygia Fagundes Telles (born April 19, 1923) is a Brazilian novelist and short-story writer. She was born in São Paulo and is one of Brazil's most important living writers.

Her first book of short stories, "Praia Viva" (Living Beach), was published in 1944. In 1949 got the Afonso Arinos award for her short stories book "O Cacto Vermelho" (Red Cactus). Among her most successful books are "Ciranda de Pedra" (The Marble Dance) (1954), "Verão no Aquário" (1963), "Antes do Baile Verde" (1970), "Seminário dos Ratos" (1977) and "As Horas Nuas", (1989). The book "Antes do Baile Verde" won the Best Foreign Women Writers Grand Prix in Cannes (France) in 1969.

Her most famous novel is "As Meninas" (The Girl in the Photograph), which tells the story of three young women in the early 1970s, a hard time in the political history of Brazil due to the repression by the military dictatorship. In 2005 she won the Camões Prize, the greatest literary award in the Portuguese language. [ [ Prémio Camões 2005] - in Portuguese]

She is one of the three female members of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Further reading

* Irwin Stern, "Dictionary of Brazilian Literature", Greenwood Press (1988), ISBN 0313249326 - p.337


External links

* [ Bio details, Autores Brasileiros]

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