

Technopole refers to a center of high-tech manufacturing and information-based quaternary industry.

These may be developed by the private sector or by the co-operation or partnership between the public and private sectors. Governments of all levels promote them as a panacea for economies hurt by economic restructuring. Large corporations and small business locate in technopoles. Networking between other firms is important and made possible by technological advances.

Technopols are combined technological and business centers specifically established around recognized educational and research institutes.

The Technopol Program of Lower Austria is a trendsetter in implementing the linkage of education/training, research and business. Lower Austrias three Technopols are already setting international standards: Technopol Krems in the fields of biotech and regenerative medicine, Technopol Tulln in environmental biotechnology and agrobiotechnology, Technopol Wiener Neustadt in microsystems engineering, tribology and medical systems technology.

There are several definitions for "technopol" in an international context, whereby focus is usually placed on the existence of four factors:
* First, a critical mass of R&D facilities which carry out research in one or more relevant areas and which have established the appropriate infrastructure. * Second, the immediate spatial vicinity to university institutions is essential in order to link research to instruction.
* The third criterion is the presence of competent companies as source of demand for R&D competence and "users" of know-how generated at the Technopol on the international market.
* Finally, there must be sufficient company settlement area immediately adjacent to the competence bearers in order to enable technology-oriented start-ups and spin-offs the possibility of settlement.

Factors important to investors include:
*Good buildings and building sites
*An attractive environmental setting
*Excellent highway access and proximity to an international airport
*Excellent international tele-communication facilities
*Good quality housing for managers and,
*Easy access to a substantial pool of well trained and motivated labour

The aim is to create new industrial jobs to replace jobs lost from old industries that are contracting. However, re-industrialisation using these sorts of industries creates fewer jobs than are lost.


* [ Technopol Krems]
* [ Technopol Tulln]
* [ Technopol Wiener Neustadt]

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